
  1. Union growth 11 June 2008

    Zimbabwe: Teacher unionists under attack again

    Harassment and intimidation of teachers and their trade unions continues in Zimbabwe in the lead-up to the June 27 election to determine whether Robert Mugabe of the ZANU-PF or his opposition challenger Morgan Tsvangirai will win the presidency.

    Zimbabwe: Teacher unionists under attack again
  2. Union growth 10 June 2008

    EI appeals on behalf of Iranian teacher unjustly facing death penalty

    Education International has taken up the cause of Farzad Kamangar, a 32-year-old Iranian teacher and trade unionist who has been repeatedly tortured in custody and sentenced to death by the Tehran Revolutionary Court.

    EI appeals on behalf of Iranian teacher unjustly facing death penalty
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 5 June 2008

    Teachers take on cyberbullies

    “Bullying has butted its way into the digital age, negatively affecting the lives of students and educators. As with other complex educational problems, cyberbulling has no easy solutions.”

    Teachers take on cyberbullies
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 2 June 2008

    Iraqi Teachers’ Union asserts its independence from all political blocs

    The Iraqi Teachers’ Union (ITU) is calling on its members and branch leaders to be vigilant in protecting their organisation from being used by any political party or group in the months leading up to the governorate elections expected before October.

    Iraqi Teachers’ Union asserts its independence from all political blocs
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 29 May 2008

    Teachers Against Cyberbullying

    Around 50.000 teachers in Germany are victims of cyberbullying, the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) reveales in a study on cyberbullying released on 27 May.

    Teachers Against Cyberbullying
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 23 May 2008

    Zimbabwe: Solidarity with teachers and trade unionists

    Teachers and human and trade union rights activists worldwide are invited to support their colleagues in Zimbabwe by responding to theEI Urgent Action Appeal . So far, over a dozen teacher unions have condemned the violations of basic human and trade union rights against teachers.

    Zimbabwe: Solidarity with teachers and trade unionists
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 19 May 2008

    Sierra Leone: EFAIDS gathers momentum

    A four day EFAIDS training of trainers workshop took place from March 19-22 in Freetown, Sierra Leone. The meeting brought together teachers from across the country and engaged them with EFAIDS issues which will then be communicated to wider audiences of teachers and learners in their workplaces and regions.

    Sierra Leone: EFAIDS gathers momentum
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 19 May 2008

    Kenya: KNUT’s commitment to EFAIDS unshaken by unrest

    The post-election unrest in Kenya has not dulled the commitment of the Kenya National Union of Teachers to advancing EFA and halting HIV and AIDS. The union gathered forty of their members in Ngong Town, southern Kenya, to participate in a national training of trainers (TOTs) session on April 23,...

    Kenya: KNUT’s commitment to EFAIDS unshaken by unrest
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 19 May 2008

    Promoting Health Education in Brazil

    The 2nd National Seminar on Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) /AIDS, organised by the Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Educação (CNTE) between March 31 – April 2, 2008, provided an opportunity for debate and progress on themes related to the EFAIDS programme.

    Promoting Health Education in Brazil
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 19 May 2008

    World AIDS Day 2007: Activity Report

    World AIDS Day, 1st December, is an important date in the EFAIDS Calendar and in 2007 many unions took the opportunity to scale-up their HIV and AIDS education around the occasion. Affiliates accounts of activities and images of events have been compiled into a concise report available to download through...

    World AIDS Day 2007: Activity Report
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 19 May 2008

    Second ILO SHARE report

    The International Labour Organisation launched its second SHARE (Strategic HIV/AIDS Responses in Enterprises) report in April 2008. EntitledSaving Lives, Protecting Jobs , it reports on workplace interventions and profiles success stories from over 650 workplaces worldwide.

    Second ILO SHARE report
  12. Union growth 16 May 2008

    International labour leaders call for action from the G8

    Trade union leaders from the G8 countries and global labour organizations called for action from the G8 on the worsening jobs situation and the global food crisis at a meeting in Tokyo with the Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda on 13 May as part of the preparations for the G8...

    International labour leaders call for action from the G8
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 16 May 2008

    Zimbabwe: Another trade unionist arrested

    EI strongly protests the arrest of Raymond Majongwe, the General Secretary of the Progressive Teachers’ Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ). Majongwe was picked up by the police on May 15 at the High Court of Zimbabwe where he was attending a hearing in which leaders of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade...

    Zimbabwe: Another trade unionist arrested
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 9 May 2008

    Zimbabwe: Violence hits teachers

    Violence continues in Zimbabwe following the drawn out election process and affects particularly trade unionists and teachers. The EI affiliate ZIMTA witnessed "many teachers in rural areas being killed, maimed, wantonly tortured and abused".

    Zimbabwe: Violence hits teachers
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 24 April 2008

    Unions Putting Pen to Paper for HIV/AIDS

    During the upcoming International Commemoration Day for Dead and Injured Workers on 28th April, the Global Unions AIDS Programme calls for trade unions worldwide to lobby the G8 countries for sustained action on HIV/AIDS.

    Unions Putting Pen to Paper for HIV/AIDS
  16. Union growth 11 April 2008

    Colombia: more teachers murdered

    Educators around the world are condemning the latest brutal assassinations of teacher trade unionists in Colombia. On 1 April, Emerson Ivan Herrera Ruales and Luz Mariela Diaz Lopez lost their lives at the hands of unknown gunmen who shot them as they made their way to work in the morning.

    Colombia: more teachers murdered
  17. Union growth 11 April 2008

    EI condemns post-election violence against teachers in Zimbabwe

    Education International has received chilling reports about political retribution against teachers in Zimbabwe. This comes in the aftermath of general elections held on 30 March.

    EI condemns post-election violence against teachers in Zimbabwe