
  1. Standards and working conditions 6 July 2020

    France: teachers’ unions ask to be heard and assert their profession

    Representatives of French teachers’ unions have impressed upon public authorities the need to establish a real social dialogue to ensure high-quality education for all during and after the current global pandemic. In particular, they point to the statement adopted by the Education International European Region, ETUCE; which makes recommendations for...

    France: teachers’ unions ask to be heard and assert their profession
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 2 July 2020

    Anti-worker legislation delayed in Ukraine following mass protests

    In a series of warning protests on 30 June, trade unions from all sectors, including education, mobilised against proposed changes in labour law violating freedom of association, the right to organise, and the right to collective bargaining. Trade union activists demonstrated in major cities to demand that the government shelve...

    Anti-worker legislation delayed in Ukraine following mass protests
  3. Union growth 2 July 2020

    Council of Global Unions Joint Solidarity Statement | Justice for Lee Cheuk Yan and ensuring fundamental rights in Hong Kong

    The Council of Global Unions (CGU) – representing more than 200 million workers from across the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the Global Union Federations and the Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC) – wholeheartedly condemns the unlawful arrests of trade union and prodemocracy leaders and activists by...

    Council of Global Unions Joint Solidarity Statement | Justice for Lee Cheuk Yan and ensuring fundamental rights in Hong Kong
  4. Union renewal and development 1 July 2020

    Democracy Conference: Trade unions unite to shape a better post-pandemic world

    Leading progressive thinkers and union leaders came together in a joint Education International-Public Services International online event to discuss the post-COVID-19 future and how to shape it. Union leaders from around the world were addressed by high-profile keynote speakers at the Democracy Conference on 29 June.

    Democracy Conference: Trade unions unite to shape a better post-pandemic world
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 30 June 2020

    Iraq: Trade union takes stock of pressing issues for educators

    Education unionists in Kurdistan have highlighted their demands to on border security and salary payments along with the impact of COVID-19 on union elections and teachers’ health and safety.

    Iraq: Trade union takes stock of pressing issues for educators
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 29 June 2020

    Zimbabwe: Trade unions win court battle on school re-opening

    The Government of Zimbabwe announced that schools would reopen, already for examinations in late June and move forward in steps in the following weeks to re-open schools despite risks of an intensification of COVID-19 infections. Education trade unions challenged the re-openings as unsafe and premature and called for social dialogue...

    Zimbabwe: Trade unions win court battle on school re-opening
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 17 June 2020

    Bahrain: Seven pillars of union plan to reopen schools and education institutions

    The Bahrain Teachers’ Association has made proposals regarding the reopening of schools and education institutions for the next academic year, 2020-2021, stressing seven measures to be taken.

    Bahrain: Seven pillars of union plan to reopen schools and education institutions
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 17 June 2020

    The Gambia: Social dialogue at heart of COVID-19 response

    The Gambia Teachers Union has been proactive in its advocacy and activities in response to the COVID-19 epidemic as it turns its focus to guaranteeing a safe return to schools and quality education for all.

    The Gambia: Social dialogue at heart of COVID-19 response
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 17 June 2020

    Education International mourns Fred Jarvis

    Fred Jarvis, who led the National Union of Teachers (NUT) as its General Secretary from 1975 to 1989, has died at 95. His service to trade unionism and education, however, began long before his work at the NUT as leader and in other capacities and continued until his death.

    Education International mourns Fred Jarvis
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 16 June 2020

    As frontlines shift to schools: Can governments ensure safety? by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    Education International echoes the call of education workers from around the world: national governments must ensure their protection through evidence-based public health measures in the transition back to school. Read about how the global union federation responds to this call.

    As frontlines shift to schools: Can governments ensure safety? by David Edwards.
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 12 June 2020

    Argentina: Landmark collective agreement signed between the Ministry of Education and CTERA

    The Argentinian government and CTERA, a member organisation of Education International, have signed an important collective agreement aimed at restructuring work in education during the lockdown and combating the work overload imposed by teleworking.

    Argentina: Landmark collective agreement signed between the Ministry of Education and CTERA
  12. Fighting the commercialisation of education 11 June 2020

    Uruguay: Public education under threat

    The new conservative government of Uruguay, that took office last March, has submitted a bill for urgent consideration (Ley de Urgente Consideración, or LUC) to Parliament that set off alarm bells amongst Uruguayan society for being deeply antidemocratic in form and substance. The urgent bill shows how the country is...

    Uruguay: Public education under threat
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 11 June 2020

    Education International’s COVID-19 Solidarity Fund is operational

    Education International has launched a COVID-19 Solidarity Fund to strengthen education trade unions following the COVID-19 pandemic. The solidarity of many member organisations has already provided contributions, and requests to provide support for union activities have been received from other affiliated unions.

    Education International’s COVID-19 Solidarity Fund is operational
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 5 June 2020

    USA: Educators join in public outcry and demand justice for George Floyd

    Addressing the Minneapolis Police Department, Minnesota’s elected officials, and the media, the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers and Education Support Personnel demand justice after the death of George Floyd, a black citizen, while he was arrested by police officers. They are calling members and concerned citizens for solidarity by adding their...

    USA: Educators join in public outcry and demand justice for George Floyd
  15. Fighting the commercialisation of education 5 June 2020

    Post-pandemic economic recovery requires radical rethink and global solidarity, say union bodies

    Many economists predict that the COVID-19 pandemic will produce the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Policies and the details of their implementation will not only determine if economic recovery is successful, but if that recovery accelerates or slows the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals...

    Post-pandemic economic recovery requires radical rethink and global solidarity, say union bodies
  16. Trade union rights are human rights 4 June 2020

    Canada: Quebec teaching union members deplore government monologue in public-sector negotiations

    The Centrale des syndicats du Québec (Quebec Labour Congress – CSQ) has urged the government of Quebec to engage in full social dialogue and respond to solutions put forward by trade unionists with a view to halting financial austerity measures, improving employees’ working conditions and thereby strengthening public services, particularly...

    Canada: Quebec teaching union members deplore government monologue in public-sector negotiations
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 June 2020

    New Zealand: Historic pay equity increase for education support personnel

    In New Zealand, education unionists have won historic pay equity increases for education support personnel. Over 22,000 school teacher aides have been offered a life-changing pay equity settlement including pay increases of up to 28 per cent.

    New Zealand: Historic pay equity increase for education support personnel