
  1. Union growth 10 February 2017

    Education International joins unions’ UN complaint on missing Mexican students

    The United Nations Human Rights Council is preparing to hear the complaint filed by Education International and six affiliates on behalf of the 43 Mexican student teachers who disappeared more than two years ago.

    Education International joins unions’ UN complaint on missing Mexican students
  2. Union growth 10 February 2017

    Argentina: death threat puts union freedom at grave risk

    A death threat directed at Roberto Baradel, the general secretary of the Argentinian teachers’ union SUTEBA, has driven the union movement to act as many wonder whether their right to organise is now in peril.

    Argentina: death threat puts union freedom at grave risk
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 28 January 2017

    Iranian unionist rearrested one month after release

    News has reached Education International of the rearrest of Iranian education union leader Esmail Abdi.

    Iranian unionist rearrested one month after release
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 27 January 2017

    Global movement to eradicate violence and bullying in schools

    Education unions made significant contributions during discussions at the International Symposium on School Violence and Bullying on the roles and abilities of teachers to combat the issue.

    Global movement to eradicate violence and bullying in schools
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 13 January 2017

    Education International demands Iranian academic’s immediate release

    Firmly standing behind Iranian academic Ahmadreza Djalali, Education International reiterates the need for affiliates to join in the call for his immediate release from jail.

    Education International demands Iranian academic’s immediate release
  6. Union growth 20 December 2016

    Colombian academic speaks about armed conflict and human rights

    Together with Education International Deputy General Secretary David Edwards, Colombian academic Miguel Ángel Beltrán discusses challenges to the implementation of human and trade union rights in his country.

    Colombian academic speaks about armed conflict and human rights
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 15 December 2016

    Caribbean teachers expose failing school infrastructure

    Education unions reveal that the neglect of school building maintenance, inadequate sanitary facilities, mould infested classrooms, crumbling asbestos rooftops, and unprotected power lines are creating serious health and safety hazards in Caribbean schools.

    Caribbean teachers expose failing school infrastructure
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 12 December 2016

    Human rights education goes beyond physical and linguistic borders

    On the heels of International Human Rights Day, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights’ education programme Speak Truth to Power has launched a free online course for Spanish speakers.

    Human rights education goes beyond physical and linguistic borders
  9. Union growth 8 December 2016

    Niger: united teachers demand that government fulfil its promises

    For the first time ever, education trade unions in Niger have called for a national strike to demand the integration of contract teachers into the civil service, and the payment of wage arrears.

    Niger: united teachers demand that government fulfil its promises
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 6 December 2016

    Education, Human Rights, and Tolerance

    To celebrate International Human Rights Day, EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen says we must look to the instruments of the United Nations and its agencies that enshrine those rights in international law and culture.

    Education, Human Rights, and Tolerance
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 29 November 2016

    UK: Educators highlight need to tackle sexual harassment and violence in schools

    Education unions in the UK have strongly reasserted the need to bring an end to sexual bullying and harassment and refocus efforts to train teachers on sexual harassment and violence awareness.

    UK: Educators highlight need to tackle sexual harassment and violence in schools
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 23 November 2016

    Speak up for Turkish educators now!

    Education International has released an urgent action appeal for Turkey asking for worldwide action and financial solidarity with E?itim-Sen and the education community in this country.

    Speak up for Turkish educators now!
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 23 November 2016

    USA: Education unions and civil society unite to Stop the Hate

    Educators and citizens from all over the USA have signed the Stop the Hate petition, asking that President-elect Donald Trump keep his promise to be the President for all Americans, by speaking clearly and loudly against the hate.

    USA: Education unions and civil society unite to Stop the Hate
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 21 November 2016

    India: Air pollution forces schools to close

    Over 1,800 public primary schools in India’s capital closed on 5 November for the first time ever to protect students from exposure to dangerous levels of air pollution, affecting more than a million children.

    India: Air pollution forces schools to close
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 16 November 2016

    Voyage to international conference becomes an odyssey for Colombian academic

    Miguel Angel Beltrán, a prominent academic invited to deliver a keynote on free speech at Education International’s higher education conference in Ghana had to once again overcome political discrimination in order to reach his destination.

    Voyage to international conference becomes an odyssey for Colombian academic
  16. Trade union rights are human rights 15 November 2016

    Canada: teachers are victorious as bargaining rights acknowledged by Supreme Court

    After a hard-fought and divisive judicial battle, British Columbia’s educators are celebrating a Supreme Court decision that reaffirms collective bargaining rights and opens the door to the hiring of hundreds of teachers.

    Canada: teachers are victorious as bargaining rights acknowledged by Supreme Court