
  1. Union growth 7 July 2009

    EI launches Urgent Action Appeal for Turkey

    In recent weeks, EI member organisation Egitim-Sen and the Confederation of Public Employees’ Unions (KESK) – to which EI’s member is affiliated – have suffered a series of attacks by the Turkish authorities, including the occupation and searches of the trade union premises by the security forces, arrest and preventive...

    EI launches Urgent Action Appeal for Turkey
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 1 July 2009

    Senegalese unions advocate for more support for girls’ school attendance

    The Senegalese teacher unions have completed a survey of schools to identify the progress made and challenges faced in achieving gender equality in schools as part of their EFAIDS Programme.

    Senegalese unions advocate for more support for girls’ school attendance
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 1 July 2009

    Uganda: EFAIDS Boosts Training of Teachers on HIV and AIDS

    The Uganda National Teachers’ Union with their EFAIDS partner the National Union of Educational Institutions held a highly successful four day ‘training of trainers’ workshop in Kampala in early June. The Master Trainers are now well equipped to carry out local level training on HIV and AIDS education for their...

    Uganda: EFAIDS Boosts Training of Teachers on HIV and AIDS
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 1 July 2009

    Zambian union promotes leadership in the HIV Response

    The Zambia National Union of Teachers held a 3-day Trainer of Trainers Workshop in Livingstone in early June. Organised to introduce participants to the updated EFAIDS resource, ‘Leadership in the HIV Response’ the workshop brought together regional EFAIDS Coordinators from each of the nine regions of the country.

    Zambian union promotes leadership in the HIV Response
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 1 July 2009

    Over one hundred trained in EFAIDS Workshops in St Vincent & the Grenadines

    Training for both teachers and the wider community has been the focus of the EFAIDS Programme of the St Vincent and Grenadines Teacher Union in recent months. Master trainers Oswald Robinson, Gloria Endeavour and Rudolph Roberts coordinated the training sessions and reached over one hundred people.

    Over one hundred trained in EFAIDS Workshops in St Vincent & the Grenadines
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 1 July 2009

    Surinamese Teachers Trained on HIV and AIDS

    Since the beginning of 2009 the Surinamese unions participating in the EFAIDS Programme have been busy training teachers on HIV and AIDS issues.

    Surinamese Teachers Trained on HIV and AIDS
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 1 July 2009

    Teachers and HIV &AIDS: Achievements and Challenges

    Education International participated in the 15th annual meeting of the UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education which took place from 15- 17 June 2009 in Limerick, Ireland. A one day Symposium on the theme ‘Teachers and HIV & AIDS: reviewing achievements, identifying challenges’ preceded the meeting.

    Teachers and HIV &AIDS: Achievements and Challenges
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 1 July 2009

    Teacher unions highlight need to tackle AIDS-related stigma and discrimination

    Teacher unions working on the EI EFAIDS Programme shared their experiences with participants of the IIEP and UNAIDS-IATT Web Forum Report: ‘Teachers and HIV & AIDS: Reviewing achievements, identifying challenges’. Below are summaries of some of their contributions to the E-Forum.

    Teacher unions highlight need to tackle AIDS-related stigma and discrimination
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 1 July 2009

    Convention on HIV/AIDS and the World of Work a distant goal

    The 98th Session of the International Labour Conference, (ILC), took place in June 2009 in Geneva, and marked an important stage in the process towards the adoption of an international labour standard on HIV/AIDS.

    Convention on HIV/AIDS and the World of Work a distant goal
  10. Union growth 24 June 2009

    EI to participate in Iran Action Day protest events on 26 June

    Education International, together with International Trade Union Confederation, the European transport workers’ Federation, and other trade unionists, human rights activists and concerned individuals, will gather in front of the Iranian Embassy at 1.00 pm on Friday 26 June, at this Iran Action Day, to protest the lack of union rights...

    EI to participate in Iran Action Day protest events on 26 June
  11. Union growth 18 June 2009

    Embassy protests spearhead Iran action day

    Demonstrations at Iranian embassies and consulates in Bangkok, Canberra, London, New Delhi, Tokyo and Wellington, among others, are some of the protests that have now been scheduled for an action day on Iran on June 26th. Four global union organisations representing over 170 million workers have called the worldwide action...

    Embassy protests spearhead Iran action day
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 4 June 2009

    Urgent Action Appeal USA: Support for the Employee Free Choice Act

    EI and its member organizations in the United States request your support for their campaign to pass the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA). The act would protect American workers’ rights to join unions and to bargain collectively, free from employer intimidation and threats of dismissal.

    Urgent Action Appeal USA: Support for the Employee Free Choice Act
  13. Union growth 29 May 2009

    Turkish teacher activists arrested

    Education International has written to the government of Turkey to condemn the fact that more than 30 members of Egitim Sen, EI’s Turkish affiliate, were arrested in the early hours of 28 May. In a strongly-worded letter to Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, EI deplores this latest police action against...

    Turkish teacher activists arrested
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 28 May 2009

    EI launches Urgent Action Appeal for support for its affiliate in Ethiopia

    EI has launched an Urgent Appeal today appealing for support from all member and partner organisations to lobby the Ethiopian authorities to allow the members of the ex-Ethiopian Teachers' Association (ETA) to register a new independent teacher organisation.

    EI launches Urgent Action Appeal for support for its affiliate in Ethiopia
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 20 May 2009

    World protests to demand union rights for Iranian workers

    Four global union organisations representing over 170 million workers have called a worldwide action day on June 26 to demand justice for Iranian workers. Demonstrations will take place outside Iranian embassies and consulates to protest the ongoing denial of rights and arrests of trade unionists within the country.

    World protests to demand union rights for Iranian workers
  16. Trade union rights are human rights 13 May 2009

    Iran: Son of teacher trade unionist detained

    Sajad Khaksari, the 25-year-old son of one of Iran’s leading teacher trade unionists, was arrested on 26 April in Tehran and remains in detention in Ward 10 of the Evin prison.

    Iran: Son of teacher trade unionist detained
  17. Trade union rights are human rights 6 May 2009

    Cote d’Ivoire: Cascade Training in EI EFAIDS Programme

    Teachers and unionists from Cote d’Ivoire gathered in the capital, Yamoussoukro, for a 3-day national refresher workshop in late March. The event updated the training of master trainers on EFA and AIDS related issues.

    Cote d’Ivoire: Cascade Training in EI EFAIDS Programme