
  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 July 2023

    Australia: Better access to higher education for Indigenous students in major reform of the sector

    The Australian government has announced a set of reforms aiming to increase access to higher education for Indigenous students and those from disadvantaged backgrounds. All Indigenous students will be guaranteed a Commonwealth-supported place at the university of their choice.

    Australia: Better access to higher education for Indigenous students in major reform of the sector
  2. Democracy 21 June 2023

    The government of the Jujuy province in Argentina must immediately stop attacking its people

    For months, education workers in the province of Jujuy, Argentina, have been mobilising for decent wages and to defend public education amidst the regressive reforms of the provincial government. Peaceful demonstrations held by education workers and civil society groups supporting them are being violently repressed by security forces.

    The government of the Jujuy province in Argentina must immediately stop attacking its people
  3. Leading the profession 24 April 2023

    Strengthening education unions, a key priority in Latin America

    Cooperation and solidarity, the Pedagogical Movement and women workers in education and their network. These initiatives to strengthen education unions were debated during the Education International (EI) Development Cooperation Café dedicated to the Latin American region.

    Strengthening education unions, a key priority in Latin America
  4. Climate action and literacy 5 December 2022

    #16Days | Brazilian women fighting to protect the Amazon

    Fátima da Silva

    The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an international UN Women campaign that has been running since 1991 and which provides an opportunity to reflect on the issue of abuse suffered by women around the world. The campaign runs from 25 November to 10 December and this year...

    #16Days | Brazilian women fighting to protect the Amazon
  5. Equity and inclusion 2 December 2022

    #16Days | Ending the violence against Indigenous women and girls

    Tesa Fiddler

    The tragedy of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls must not continue to be part of the narrative of Canada. Indigenous women and girls have experienced colonial violence and genocide for hundreds of years and it must end.

    #16Days | Ending the violence against Indigenous women and girls
  6. Leading the profession 25 October 2022

    Education unions on the move to rebuild in Asia-Pacific

    The 9th Education International Asia-Pacific (EIAP) Regional Conference “Rebuilding the Asia-Pacific: Educators and their unions at the forefront towards a sustainable future” provided education trade unionists in the region and beyond with an extraordinary opportunity to connect, exchange experiences, new perspectives, fresh ideas, and delve deeper into achieving decent working...

    Education unions on the move to rebuild in Asia-Pacific
  7. Equity and inclusion 4 October 2022

    World Indigenous Peoples’ Conference in Education: Unions come together to advance the rights of Indigenous Peoples

    The World Indigenous Peoples’ Conference in Education (WIPCE) was held this year on the traditional lands of the Kaurna Nation, the original people of the Adelaide plains, at Tarndanya, Adelaide, Australia. WIPCE is the largest and most diverse Indigenous education forum in the world. The EI delegation to the Conference...

    World Indigenous Peoples’ Conference in Education: Unions come together to advance the rights of Indigenous Peoples
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 30 August 2022

    Recovering indigenous names

    Kantuta Conde

    My name is Kantuta, and I am proud to have an Aymara name that identifies me and represents my community. When it rained, my grandmother told me that children who die without a name go to Tata Granizo. Next to him, children make round ice that falls from the sky...

    Recovering indigenous names
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 23 August 2022

    Adapting to Covid-19: Removing the land from indigenous land-based education

    Sydney Krill

    "That’s what the elders are telling us. Go out on the land. This is a perfect time for people to show youngsters how to build a fire in the morning, how to put up a tent. It’s almost spring. If people can get their families out on the land, that’s...

    Adapting to Covid-19: Removing the land from indigenous land-based education
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 August 2022

    Ending Ability Grouping to empower Māori learners in Aotearoa New Zealand

    Liam Rutherford

    Variously practiced as ‘ability grouping’, ‘streaming’, ‘attainment grouping’, ‘setting’, ‘banding’ or ‘tracking’, pedagogical practices that group students based on perceived ability or prior achievement are longstanding and widespread world over. Research, however, has long shown that this has negative impacts for students, especially those from lower socio-economic backgrounds, ethnic minorities,...

    Ending Ability Grouping to empower Māori learners in Aotearoa New Zealand
  11. Equity and inclusion 12 August 2022

    Indigenous education workers call for a commitment from the region’s governments to education for their peoples

    The call was made in the framework of the IX Regional Conference on Public Education and Indigenous Peoples convened by Education International Latin America. The event was attended by over 150 education workers who travelled to Asuncion, Paraguay from Brazil, Peru, Costa Rica, Panama, Argentina, and Paraguay .

    Indigenous education workers call for a commitment from the region’s governments to education for their peoples
  12. Equity and inclusion 10 August 2022

    Indigenous educators from across Latin America come together to strengthen public education

    Convened by Education International Latin America (EILA) on August 9-11, the IX Regional Meeting on Public Education and Indigenous Peoples brought together more than 150 educators from all over the region, representing indigenous peoples from Peru, Panama, Argentina, Costa Rica, Brazil, Chile and Paraguay who travelled many miles by air...

    Indigenous educators from across Latin America come together to strengthen public education
  13. Climate action and literacy 9 August 2022

    Including Indigenous identities and ways of knowing in education and science

    Charitie Ropati

    Engineers and scientists are vital to meeting Sustainable Development Goals but the ecological knowledge that Indigenous people hold when we care for the land are things that are central to the existence of life.

    Including Indigenous identities and ways of knowing in education and science
  14. Equity and inclusion 5 August 2022

    International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples

    On the 9th of August, Education International (EI) joins the celebration of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples and reaffirms the human rights of Indigenous Peoples. This year’s theme is The Role of Indigenous Women in the Preservation and Transmission of Traditional Knowledge.

    International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
  15. Climate action and literacy 4 November 2021

    COP26 dispatch: Global leaders meet at COP26 as the world demands urgent climate action

    Alanah Torralba

    COP 26, slated as the most important climate summit since the Paris Agreement was forged in 2015, kicked off in Glasgow, Scotland last Monday with a series of statements from high-level actors, ranging from heads of state, business leaders, activists, and prominent media personalities.

    COP26 dispatch: Global leaders meet at COP26 as the world demands urgent climate action
  16. Climate action and literacy 2 November 2021

    Aotearoa New Zealand, education unions and climate change

    Liam Rutherford

    Aotearoa New Zealand is in a privileged position, along with a small number of other countries, of being relatively COVID-free. We do face many challenges that the rest of the world often doesn’t hear about – such as serious pollution of our waterways, extreme levels of poverty and inequality, a...

    Aotearoa New Zealand, education unions and climate change
  17. Trade union rights are human rights 14 September 2021

    Philippines: Call for global action as independent report catalogues government’s human rights violations

    Education International has called for an end to the violence and state-sponsored attacks on Filipino educators. Its comments follow an independent investigation which shows that the Duterte government is deliberately violating human rights, using violence and repression against those who are standing up for education, democracy, and peace.

    Philippines: Call for global action as independent report catalogues government’s human rights violations