LGBTI+ Rights
May 2024
May 2024
There are serious concerns around the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and all other persons whose sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression differ from the social norm (LGBTI+) globally. However, the latest University and College Union (UCU) LGBTI+ webinar showed reasons for hope and testimonies of ongoing...
Amid global strife, glimmers of hope for LGBTI+ rightsOn the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT), Education International has signed the joint Global Union Federation (GUF) LGBTI+ Workers statement. Everybody must see their rights respected!
International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and TransphobiaIn a world where the rights of LGBTI+ individuals are increasingly under threat, trade unions and civil society activists are joining forces to take a stand.
United in diversity: Trade unions and civil society stand up for LGBTI+ rightsAt a time when LGBTI+ lives are painted as a false "moral threat" to society, to distract from failed austerity policies and remove broader civil and human rights, the LGBTI+ Caucus discussed the current state of LGBTI+ rights in the world of work and in education systems globally. It also...
Education unions promote and advance LGBTI+ rights globallyThe 2024 Quadrennial Survey aims to provide an informative cross-section of union policies, advocacy points and current educational challenges, together with selected case studies which seek to advance EI’s work furthering and protecting LGBTI+ rights in and through education.
Education trade unions worldwide are advocating for fully funded, inclusive public education systems to counter the rising tide of far-right nationalism and authoritarianism. This urgent plea was made during a breakout session titled “Mobilizing for Rights and Gender Equality in the Face of Far-Right Nationalism and Authoritarianism,” held on July...
Trade unions rally against far-right nationalism and mobilize for rights and gender equalityOn September 26, education trade unionists from around the world came together to discuss the state of the anti-rights movement in education and strategies to oppose it in defence of rights and gender equality. A new report from ODI Global informed the debate.
Education unions mobilise for rights and gender equality in educationOver 150 trade unionists – including representatives of Education International (EI) member organizations –, activists, and allies from across the globe gathered to discuss the growing global anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) backlash and strategize on how to amplify support for LGBTI workers, communities, and people worldwide. This...
LGBTI trade unionists unite against global backlash