EI and ESIB organise Official Bologna Process Seminar on Mobility
As part of an ongoing collaboration between EI and the National Unions of Students in Europe (ESIB), this Official Bologna Process Seminar on Mobility has been organised with the aim of enhancing the idea of moving from "individual to institutional mobility".
EI General Secretary, Fred van Leeuwen
Two hundred participants from thirty-five countries gathered in London to address the issues of mobility of staff and students. In his speech, Fred van Leuwen reminded participants that the mobility of academic staff and students is "key to higher education".
"It is a tool to promote co-operation within and between disciplines across borders in Europe, contribute to the personal and professional development of staff and students and create a truly European dimension to higher education," he explained.
Two studies on the mobility of staff and students were presented by Conor Cradden and Sanja Brus respectively. In their presentations, they highlighted key obstacles to mobility and put forward possible solutions, to form the basis for discussion in the four subsequent workshops.
EI has been a consultative member of the Bologna Process since 2005. This seminar represents a key step for EI and its member organisations in making a constructive contribution to the Process. Recommendations and conclusions emerging from this seminar will be taken up for consideration at the next Bologna Follow-Up Group, with a view to the preparations for the next Ministerial Meeting, to be held in London this May.