
Education International
Education International

Urgent call to action: Stand up against poverty!

published 13 October 2008 updated 13 October 2008

The Global Call for Action Against Poverty, a growing movement of citizens across the world, is urging everyone once again to stand up and take action against poverty, and for equity and justice.

Between 17 and 19 October, millions of concerned citizens around the globe will be taking a stand and participating in many creative ways. People are wearing the symbolic white band against poverty. Schools are joining in. Community meetings, demonstrations, religious services, concerts, music festivals, sporting events, fund-raising activities, dinners and many other activities will take place in the smallest villages and poorest slums to the largest cities and the United Nations.

This year’s goal is to beat the amazing 43.7 million people who joined in more than 100 countries last year.

We hope to reach one percent of the world’s population, more than 67 million people this week.

A global demonstration on such a vast scale shows the leaders of the world that millions of people insist that poverty must be ended and our human rights realised. Trillions of dollars have been found to bail out banks and financial systems, but equal financial and political investment is needed at the bottom of the pyramid. We want to show that millions of us are united in the call for the realisation of the millennium development goals and the other international treaties that have been agreed by nearly all countries at UN and ILO and governmental levels.

EI encourages all affiliates to get involved and join in the campaing. Any stand up action in your union or school counts! It’s important, though, to have your participation counted in the final tally, please don’t forget to register your activity this week.

Go to www.standagainstpoverty.org or to www.whiteband.org for all the details.

At www.povertyrequiem.org you can also find school materials and songs to use.

Please, join with us to take a stand against poverty and for justice!