
Education International
Education International

Getting the World to Work: Global Union Strategies for Recovery

published 31 March 2009 updated 31 March 2009

As millions of people around the world suffer the impact of the economic crisis, the global trade union movement is developing a bold strategy for recovery, a strategy based on social justice, decent jobs and international solidarity instead of unfairness, exploitation and greed.

Getting the World to Work: Global Union Strategies for Recovery sets out creative and constructive alternatives for getting people back to work and rebuilding a sustainable economy.

This special publication, released 31 March, articulates positions which the Global Unions put before world leaders in Washington in November 2008, and which will again be on the table at the G20 summit in London this week.

The publication was produced by the Global Union Federations, working with the Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD and the International Trade Union Confederation. Edited by Aidan White, Secretary General of the International Federation of Journalists, it provides a unified vision from the world trade union movement, while providing sector-specific perspectives on the issues.

EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen has contributed an article on education as an essential tool in any recovery package. It offers suggestions for ways unions can mobilise support and work to mitigate the impact of the crisis on vital public services.

Getting the World to Work makes a significant contribution to the public debate about how to reverse the disastrous course that led the world to this crisis,” van Leeuwen said. “It reflects both the diversity and the unity of the worldwide union movement, and I’m sure it will help inform many important discussions about this critical challenge facing us all.” Getting the World to Work is available for download at: www.global-unions.org. At present it is only published in English, but Spanish, French, and possibly German translations will soon be available.