
Education International
Education International

CEART Report Adopted at International Labour Conference

published 7 June 2010 updated 7 June 2010

On 4 June 2010, the Committee on the Application of Standards of the International Labour Conference (ILC) unanimously adopted a Report by the Joint ILO/UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendations concerning teaching personnel (CEART).

CEART is composed of independent experts who meet every three years to examine procedures for the application of the two recommendations concerning the status of teachers. The Committee held its tenth session in Paris, from 28 September to 2 October 2009, and its report contained a number of recommendations which was presented to the ILC for its adoption.

Speaking at the meeting, Education International Deputy General Secretary, Monique Fouilhoux, stated how attached teachers were to this unique structure.

In terms of the central question about the global shortage of teachers, Fouilhoux stressed that it could not be resolved by the recruitment of “low-cost teachers”.

“We run the risk of de-professionalising the education sector by turning teaching into a precarious profession,” she warned.

She also denounced the budgetary cuts which impair the provision of quality long-term education, and stressed the need for investment in education as a crucial driver in the economic recovery.

The Report reaffirmed recommendations for all concerned parties to ensure the promotion, implementation and observance of the provisions within the Recommendations.

EI continues to call on governments, employers and agencies to assume all their responsibilities in a dialogue with education personnel and their representative organisations.

To read the full speech delivered by Monique Fouilhoux, please click here.

To view the complete CEART Report please click www.ilo.org/public/english.