
Education International
Education International

6th EI World Congress: Sign up now for your breakout sessions

published 12 April 2011 updated 3 May 2011

24th July, the third day of the forthcoming EI World Congress in Cape Town will be dedicated to breakout sessions. This time round, the number of breakout sessions has been reduced and the duration of each session has been lengthened so as to enable participants to engage more in debates about the issues that concern them most.

The major departure from those of the previous Congresses is that the debates will be less rigidly structured and there will be provision for greater interaction between the participants and the panel.

There will be two rounds of breakout sessions, each round offering four sessions:

24th July 2011

Round 1 (09:00-11:00)

Session 1: Implementing our Education Policy

Session 2: Are Inclusive Education Institutions a Real Possibility or a Dream?

Session 3: Stronger Together - Building Better Unions

Session 4: The Future Financing of Education

Round 2 (11:30-13:30)

Session 5: Quality teaching: Confronting the Challenge of Deprofessionalization

Session 6: Inclusive Schools at the heart of the Community

Session 7: Building Effective Partnerships for Quality Education

Session 8: Education as Part of the Solution to the Economic Crisis?

The breakout sessions will provide opportunities for debates, interactions and sharing of ideas and experiences on policy issues related to the topics of the Congress. Each session in each round will focus on specific aspects of the Congress sub-themes, and the outcomes of discussions will be compiled into a report which will be submitted to the new Executive Board, including any recommendations.

The Congress sub-themes and their corresponding sessions are as follow:

Sessions 1 & 5: Achieving Quality Education

Sessions 2 & 6: Inclusive Quality Education for an Inclusive Society

Sessions 3 & 7:    Trade Unions working together at National and International Levels

Sessions 4 & 8: Future of Education beyond the Economic Crisis

To help us better organise the breakout sessions and to cater them to your needs, please log onto your Congress participant's account and choose your breakout sessions for both rounds, if you have not done so already.

An outline of breakout sessions is available for download in the "Documents and Links" section to the right, and also on our Congress website: www.ei-ie.org/congress6

The names of the moderators and panellists for each session will be published closer to the Congress date.

If you have further questions about this or other aspects of Congress, please contact us by email: congress6@ei-ie.org