
Education International
Education International

European trade unions demand change of economic governance

published 22 June 2011 updated 22 June 2011

EI has supported the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) urgent and clear message to European decision-makers: European governance means strengthening – not attacking – its social model.

During the European Trade Union Action Day on 21 June, held in Luxembourg City, unionists reminded that measures that will be taken by the European institutional trilogue – the Commission, the Council and the Parliament – will affect millions of workers and citizens.

ETUC General Secretary, Bernadette Ségol, declared: “The European trade union movement intends to exert pressure and to organise an action and information day at the European and national levels on 21 June.”

She went on to explain: “our demands are clear:

- The advances achieved during the voting of the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee must be preserved: the independence of the social partners must be secured, particularly as regards wages and their negotiating framework;

- Public spending for sustainable investments must be independent from a budget straightjacket;

-European economic governance must include harmonisation of the tax base with a minimum tax rate for companies;

- Eurobonds must be issued to finance investments in European development and infrastructure networks and projects; and

-The Council and the Parliament play an important role in the European democratic process. This role must be preserved.”

For EI and its affiliates, European governance means working for a more social and inclusive Europe for all citizens, particularly the young. Responsible economic governance is indispensable to help teachers access stable and quality jobs, the generalised promotion of quality education and training for all, decent wages, and strong social protection. Purchasing power, the level of pensions and access to quality social services, including education, must also be defended and secured.

To learn more about this European Day of Action, please click here.