
Education International
Education International

Next ESF supports ICT education

published 8 November 2013 updated 8 November 2013

On 24- 25 October, the European Council concluded that the European Structural Investment Funds (ESF) for 2014 -2020 should be used in part for ICT education and training. EU Heads of State and Government decided that Europe must boost digital, data-driven innovation as part of its growth strategy.

On 24- 25 October, the European Council concluded that the European Structural Investment Funds (ESF) for 2014 -2020 should be used in part for ICT education and training. EU Heads of State and Government decided that Europe must boost digital, data-driven innovation as part of its growth strategy. One of the key objectives is improving skills in Europe. Therefore, a higher degree of integration of digital skills in education should be ensured. Investment in ICT education and training shall meet the need to fill IT skilled vacancies.

For this reason, part of the ESF should be used for ICT education, for vocational education and training in ICT in the context of the Youth Employment Initiative.

To read on the conclusions from the European Council, visit http://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_data/docs/pressdata/en/ec/139197.pdf