
Education International
Education International

Albania: teacher trade unions campaign for Quality of Education

published 5 March 2014 updated 10 March 2014

On 7 November 2013, the Congress of the Trade Union Federation of Education and Science of Albania - FSASH opened the way for deepening Albanian teacher unions’ involvement in the Unite for Quality Education campaign.

The 10 key messages adopted by the ETUCE Committee on ‘What is Needed to Improve the Quality of Education in Europe?’  were communicated to the Ministry of Education and Sports, and to the Ministry of Welfare and Youth. It was the occasion for the Albanian trade union to demand an increase of 5% of share of the GDP invested in education (from current 3.4%) from the Albanian government.

In the forthcoming months a national Conference of the trade unions in education will be set, to discuss the quality of education in Albania and the preparation of specific national recommendations based on the 10 key messages. In the meantime, the joint Magazine of the two Albanian trade unions in education - the Independent Trade Union of Education of Albania, SPASH and FSASH, “Tribuna Sindikale”, informed teachers and the public about the focus of the initiative: the demand for a quality public education for all children in Albania.