
Education International
Education International

UNESCO announces new director of EFA Global Monitoring Report

published 2 April 2014 updated 2 April 2014

UNESCO has announced that Dr. Aaron Benavot is the new Director of the Education for All Global Monitoring Report (EFA GMR). Dr Benavot brings decades of experience in global education policy and comparative research to the Report team, including four years as a Senior Policy Analyst for the Report. He will take up his new position at UNESCO’s headquarters in May 2014.

As director, Dr Benavot will oversee content and delivery of the EFA GMR, which monitors progress towards the EFA goals agreed at the World Education Forum in Dakar, Senegal, in 2000. The Report holds countries and donors (or aid agencies) to account for the commitments they made in 2000, identifies effective education policies, draws attention to emerging challenges, and seeks to promote international cooperation in favour of education.

2015 Report

Dr Benavot, a professor at the University of Albany, the State University of New York in the US, will also lead the content and production of the 2015 EFA GMR. This will assess how successful the EFA movement has been and identify policies that have boosted progress towards the EFA goals. This assessment will provide lessons for the framing of post-2015 education goals and strategies.

“Having completed 11 extensively researched reports on Education for All, the EFA Global Monitoring Report team is uniquely positioned to assist in the framing and specification of new global education goals and their indicators both before and after the education community reaches a binding agreement in 2015,” Dr Benavot said. “It is an honour to rejoin the team at such an important time.”

EI congratulations

EI congratulates Dr. Aaron Benavot on his new appointment, said EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen. “EI and its affiliates look forward to working closely with him and his office to ensure universal access to quality education,” he said.