
Education International
Education International

Australia: Privatisation drive endangers quality education for all

published 12 June 2014 updated 13 June 2014

Australia’s biggest education union has lashed out at its Prime Minister’s plan to launch corporate-run schools, arguing that the move would increase inequity in the system, waste scarce resources, and rob students of a quality education.

The Australian Education Union (AEU), an affiliate of Education International (EI), has strongly condemned Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s intention to privatise the country’s publically-funded schools.

“Reports today that Tony Abbott wants to copy the US model of schools funded and controlled by private corporations, such as IBM, are deeply concerning,” said AEU President Angelo Gavrielatos in a 12 June statement.“At the same time that Mr Abbott is cutting Gonski funding for schools, he is suggesting governments should hand over funding to schools that are controlled by big corporations which will pursue their own profits and interests rather than those of students.”

Allowing corporations to ‘shape’ the curriculum means students will get a narrow education that is shaped towards the corporation’s needs, not the students’ needs, he said.

He went on to stress that school curricula should not be sold to the highest corporate bidder, and that all students deserve a high-quality education to equip them to participate in society and for a life in the workforce.

Students not for sale

“Tony Abbott should abandon this thought bubble, and reassure Australian parents that he will not be handing over schools to corporations,” Gavrielatos also said. “If not, he should tell us which multinational companies he wants running our schools. Our students are not for sale.”

He added that allowing corporatised schools to select their students will lead to greater segregation in schooling, and diminishing educational outcomes. “Allowing for-profit corporations to run schools goes against the proud history of education in Australia. It has huge risks for the quality of education, and the equity of our system.”

Gavrielatos insisted that the best way to prepare children for the future is through well-resourced public schools in all communities, and by providing all students with the education they need to reach their potential.

EI: Students’ futures at risk

“We agree with our Australian colleagues that Abbott’s commercialised education will sell out students’ futures,” said EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen. “That is why we, as education professionals, demand equity and quality in education, and to have our voices heard through social dialogue.”

Van Leeuwen also reiterated that public authorities are responsible for properly funding the public education system.