
Education International
Education International

Universal children's day: a long way ahead

published 20 November 2014 updated 25 November 2014

Today marks the 25th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child - a defining moment in history, when for the first time, all children around the world were viewed as human beings with their own set of rights, including the right to a quality education.

Despite progress over the past 25 years there are 58 million children out of school and we are seeing increasing attacks on schools and school children and teachers on the frontlines of education.

This was also one of the main reasons why Education International’s (EI) affiliates came together for the Unite for Quality Education campaign over the last year: EI believes that all children and teachers have the right to go to school without danger or discrimination and actively supports a new global call to action –the #UpForSchool petition.

World leaders promised to get every child into school by 2015. Now there is a window of opportunity to put the pressure on them to keep their promises, making 2015 the year all children secured the right to go to school and learn.

People power works. Big numbers of people mobilising over an issue cannot be ignored. That is why this petition is being collected in every country around the world.

Teachers have to be pivotal in this movement. To make this the world's biggest petition, EI is asking its affiliates and members to collect as many signatures as possible.