
Resolution on the Resumption on French Nuclear Testing

published 22 July 1995 updated 31 March 2017

The Education International First World Congress meeting in Harare (Zimbabwe) from 19 to 23 July 1995:


1. that the decision of the French government to carry out renewed nuclear testing violates the moratorium implemented by the nuclear powers, excluding China;

2. that this decision may prompt other countries to resume the testing. It jeopardizes the process initiated with a view to indefinitely extending the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and also jeopardizes the ongoing discussions to lead to the forthcoming signature of a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty;

3. that the resumption of the testing would constitute a provocation for the people of the Pacific. Despite the official French denials, it poses serious dangers to the environment in this region of the world.

The Congress of EI:

4. calls on the French government to reconsider its position and encourages all its member organisations to intervene in this regard;

5. supports its member unions who have already indicated their opposition and expresses its solidarity with the populations concerned by this decision;

6. calls on all governments to give up nuclear testing permanently.