
Resolution on the founding of EGITIM-SEN

published 22 July 1995 updated 31 March 2017

The Education International First World Congress meeting in Harare (Zimbabwe) from 19 to 23 July 1995:

1. The delegates of Education International's First Ordinary World Congress are sending their greetings of solidarity to the delegates of the Founding Congress of the Turkish teachers' union, Egitim-Sen, which has resulted from the merger of the trade unions Egitim-Is and Egit-Sen.

2. The EI World Congress delegates welcome the foundation of Egitim-Sen because it means that, in Turkey, there is now a unified trade union of teachers, which is committed to upholding democracy, to respecting the rights of men and women, to speaking up for tolerance and to solving conflicts peacefully.

3. The EI World Congress delegates criticise in strong terms the fact that human rights are still violated in Turkey and that teachers are still disputed the right to organise in independent free trade unions. The delegates express their indignation at the fact that even the few bill of democratisation presented by the Government in July 1995 have not been passed by the Turkish National Assembly.

4. The Congress strongly demands that the Turkish Parliament and Government give full trade union rights to public servants, including teachers.