
Resolution on the Global March for Women in the Year 2000

published 28 July 1998 updated 31 March 2017

The Second World Congress of Education International, meeting in Washington D.C., U.S.A., from 25 to 29 July 1998:

1. Noting that women do not truly benefit from the same opportunities as men in any part of the world (UNDP Report, 1995);

2. Noting that women represent 70% of the 1.3 billion people who live in poverty;

3. Noting that the debt crisis and structural adjustment policies have weighed particularly heavily on women (EI, Women and the Economy, March 1998);

4. Noting that women, representing at least half of the global population, supply two-thirds of working hours and earn only one-tenth of global revenue;

5. Noting that, throughout the world, women are still victims of various forms of violence (systematic rape during times of war, murder, confinement, marital violence, denial of their right to physical integrity, etc.);

6. Recognising that, throughout the world, women are struggling for equality, respect, dignity, development and peace;

7. Recognising that there is still much progress to be made in order for states to respect their various commitments that they have undertaken at the international level in order to rectify discrimination against women and to improve the situation of women;

8. Taking into account the favourable reception which has been given to several groups of women coming from different countries (as of 28 February 1998, 214 groups had left from 53 countries) who are taking part in the Global March of the year 2000 which has been developed and coordinated by the Women's Federation of Québec;

9. Noting also the enthusiastic welcome which was given, at the Women's NGO Forum in Huairou in 1995, to the Global March of Women against Poverty which took place in Québec in June 1995;

10. Taking into account that, at the dawn of the year 2000, it is essential that women coming from all parts of the world and all social and professional sectors show their determination to live in a world which is fairer, more egalitarian and more respectful of human rights.

Requests of EI and its member organisations that they:

11. Uphold and support the planned Global March for Women in the year 2000, whose major objectives are to:

a. Promote equality between men and women

b. Stimulate a vast movement of women's' groups at grassroots level in such a way that the Global March constitutes an affirmative gesture on the part of women throughout the world

c. Denounce neoliberalism and advance alternatives based on equality, justice and a respect for human rights;

12. Disseminate relevant information concerning this project;

13. Enable and encourage the commitment of women in the organisation of local, regional or national actions taking place within the framework of this vast project;

14. Create the necessary conditions for committees, commissions or networks on the status of women to assume control of these actions, in collaboration with other women's groups.