The 6th Education International (EI) World Congress meeting in Cape Town, South Africa, from 22nd to 26th July, 2011:
1. Adopts the Policy Paper entitled ‘Building the Future through Quality Education’, as a comprehensive statement of Education International’s education policies.
2. Recommends that EI member organisations support and advocate for the achievement of all of the policies set out in the Paper, inform the discussions on the implementation of the policies with innovative ideas and research, and discuss widely the concepts and ideas proposed, with a view to promoting the unity, solidarity and strength of the education union movement throughout the world and inspiring new members and activists to join in support of these policies and ideals.
3. Commits the organisation to implementing this policy through a variety of activities:
a. Providing visibility to the priorities mentioned in this policy paper through World Teacher’s Day and Global Action week where appropriate.
b. Adopting action programmes and committing resources to their implementation.
c. Organising conferences, seminars and working sessions to discuss specific priorities mentioned in this policy paper at international or regional level. Where appropriate, these sessions will be integrated into regular activities.
d. In accordance with ‘Section 1: Promoting Education as a Human Right and a Public Good’, EI will campaign for public investment in education of at least 6% of GDP as well as increasing Official Development Assistance (ODA) for education, despite the global financial and economic crisis. It will advocate against privatising and commercialising education, commission research and publish discussion papers.
e. In accordance with ‘Section 2: Improving the Quality of Education’, EI will lobby international organisations such as the OECD, the IMF and the World Bank to acknowledge a more contextual definition of quality education and to change their standardised assessment systems. It will commission research and publish discussion papers.
f. In accordance with ‘Section 3: Promoting Equality through Inclusive Education’, EI will advocate for the goal of inclusive education. It will commission research and publish discussion papers.EI will not only take up the responsibility in this matter, but will also ensure that conditions are matched to this purpose in staffing and educational means. EI will take into account the SALAMANCA statement and framework for action of UNESCO on special needs education adopted by the world conference on special needs education: access and quality (Salamanca, Spain, 7 – 10 June 1994)
g. In accordance with ‘Section 4: Promoting Teaching as a Profession’, EI will promote its code of ethics and professional standards. It will commission research and publish papers.
h. In accordance with ‘Section 5: Strengthening Education trade Unions as Essential Partners in Civil Society’, EI will reinvigorate a culture of organising in its activities. It will develop material to help recruitment efforts and continue to provide union development programmes.
i. In accordance with ‘Section 6: Promoting Solidarity in Education at the International Level’, EI will implement its policy document on development cooperation and advocate for developing the capacity of trade unions within development cooperation programmes.
j. In accordance with ‘section 7: Using Technology for Quality Education’, EI will commission research and publish papers on the digital divide and on how to increase the use of technology to support teachers and education employees.
k. In accordance with ‘Section 8: Promoting Education for Living and For Life’, EI will emphasise the need for lifelong learning in knowledge based societies and commission research and publish papers.
4. Mandates the Executive Board to report on actions taken in pursuit of the implementation of this policy paper at the next World Congress in 2015 and at each subsequent Congress.
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