Armenia: Unionists underpin role of education in teaching human rights and values
Teacher unionists in Armenia reaffirmed their commitment to human rights and democracy by participating in a national high-level seminar, which highlighted the role of education unions in protecting human rights and values.
Representatives of Education International (EI) national affiliates, the Branch Republican Union of Trade Union Organisations Workers of Education and Science of Armenia (CRSTESA) and of the Republican Branch Union of Professional Organisations of Higher Educational Institutions of Armenia (POHEIA), were among participants at an international seminar on human rights, democracy and education trade unions.
The event was organised on 29 March by the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia, with Harry van Bommel, PhD in political science, international observer, human rights activist and Dutch House of Representatives’ former member, as key speaker.
The seminar focused on the importance of having a democratic multi-party system, holding free and fair elections, and teaching democratic values and human rights at school. Participants also discussed possible ways of assisting education union members to exercise their right to safe and stable work, and reflected on democratic priorities and The Netherlands’ and Armenia’s common experience with the Euro-integration.