
Raise your hand for Justice for Every Child!

published 20 May 2020 updated 25 May 2020

The Justice for Every Child campaign, launched by the 100 Million campaign, urges the international community to take immediate action for marginalised children and young people.

The 100 Million campaign – a call to action for a world where all young people are free, safe and educated – highlights how the COVID-19 pandemic will have the most severe impact on the world’s most marginalised young people.

Children living in hard-to-reach villages, children in informal ‘slum’ settlements, children forced to work, children on the move - all of them and more will experience both immediate and longer-term damage if the world does not act now.


Through the Justice for Every Child campaign, 100 Million is working with partners, including Education International (EI), and an international network of youth and student activists to urge the international community to take immediate action for marginalised children and young people.

EI encourages its affiliates and concerned citizens to sign the Justice for Every Child campaign’s petition.

Allocation of funds to poorest children

The petition demands that governments allocate a fair share of resources to the world's poorest 20 per cent of children to prevent a children’s rights disaster happening as a result of COVID-19.

For high-income countries, this means a combined contribution of US$1 trillion to be spent on education, health, water, sanitation, humanitarian relief, and social protection.

The campaign urges low-income countries and lower middle-income countries to dedicate sufficient services and resources to marginalised children for fair and equal access to protection; and tax justice for sustainability.

UN General Assembly

Specific demands about denying tax-dodging companies access to COVID-19 bailout money are also made in the framework of this campaign.The 100 Million campaign will deliver this petition to national governments during the 2020 United Nations General Assembly, to be held 15-30 September in New York, USA.


A set of social resources, including animations, images, draft messaging for social platforms, and the core text for a landing page, all of which partners are welcome to adapt, have been created for the campaign.

You can find out more information on the Justice for Every Child campaign’s webpage.