Senegal: trade union renewal on the agenda of the SELS national congress
The 6th Ordinary Congress of the Syndicat des enseignants libres du Sénégal (SELS) held on 18 September in Dakar endorsed the creation of a National Youth Committee (NYC) which should contribute “to the massification of the union” and work “for the emergence of a young leadership within the structure”.
The union congress was attended by the Minister of National Education, Mamadou Talla, and the General Secretary of the Confédération des travailleurs du Sénégal, Mody Guiro. The outgoing national general secretary, Souleymane Diallo, was elected honorary president.

Amidou Diédhiou, the new national general secretary of SELS, reaffirmed his “commitment to work for good collaboration for the benefit of teachers and schools”.
He welcomed Article J of the SELS Statutes and Article 24 of the SELS Rules of Procedure which enshrine the National Youth Committee.
NYC members integrated into national trade union organisational structures
As a consultative body, the NYC issues an opinion on all matters referred to it by the National Executive Board and must assist in the organisation of national events organised by the SELS.
It consists of two bodies: a plenary and a bureau. The plenary consists of one delegate from each section, and the bureau is headed by a board consisting of at least a president, a vice-president and a secretary.

The NYC will be represented on the National Trade Union Council by eight co-opted members and will send three members to the National Executive Board and five to the Administrative Committee.
Article 24 of the SELS Rules of Procedure also states that “it contributes to the union's massification. It works for the emergence of a young leadership within the structure and supports the union's policy of seeking financial resources.”