
Education for refugee and asylum seeking children in OECD countries

Case studies from Australia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom

published 16 March 2010 updated 13 December 2021
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This study examines the educational situation of refugee and asylum-seeking children in four countries: Australia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. In all four countries migration has been a subject of political discussion and even controversy in recent decades.

The study aims to provide insight into the inclusion of refugee and asylum-seeking children in education programmes, and to shed light on the practical actions and policy initiatives that have been, and are being, undertaken by governments to provide quality education to these children.

In particular, the study provides evidence of the work of teachers and their unions in the four case-study countries. Despite numerous limitations and obstacles - a lack of resources and recognition from governments-, teachers have worked hard to ensure refugee and asylum-seeking children can access their right to receive quality education in their new home countries.