Madagascar: International solidarity to ensure education continues in the wake of a natural disaster
Following the passage of the category 3 tropical cyclone Batsirai which hit Madagascar on 5 February, Education International has decided to provide financial support to its affiliate, the Fédération chrétienne des enseignants et employés de l’éducation de Madagascar (FEKRIMPAMA). This support will enable the Federation to provide relief and meet the most urgent needs of its members and students in the affected areas of the south of the island.
“The passage of cyclone Batsirai in Madagascar caused terrible damage in the five regions most affected, namely Atsimo Antsinana, Amoron'i Mania, Haute Matsiatra, Fitovinany and Vatovavy, including the loss of human life and the destruction of infrastructure (houses, schools, hospitals, administrative buildings, churches, temples, national roads, etc.)," said Constant Andrianatrehy Marolaza, General Secretary of FEKRIMPAMA.

He also reported 94 deaths, 115,090 people affected (representing 24,125 households), 57,445 people displaced in 93 sites. In addition, he reported that 7,488 huts were destroyed, 2,714 damaged and 6,978 flooded.

One hundred and six FEKRIMPAMA members had their homes destroyed, he added.
The two main objectives of Education International's assistance are
- To distribute financial aid to the affected FEKRIMPAMA members and
- To prevent students from dropping out of school, especially those in classes preparing for exams.
Marolaza concluded his communication to Education International by stressing that “we have a heavy task ahead of us to repair the damage to the affected areas”.