
Go public! Fund education: Campaign toolkit

published 23 January 2023 updated 14 May 2024

Go Public! Fund education is Education International´s new campaign to mobilise funding for public education around the world.

Funding public education improves pay, working conditions, and empowers teachers and education personnel to stay and thrive in the profession they love and the world needs.

Join our campaign and raise your voice for public education everywhere!

Use and share the resources below as we mobilise to go public and fund education!

1. Speak up on social media

Use the suggested post and image below and don’t forget to tag Education International so we can amplify your message:

📢 Educators demand full and equitable funding for #PublicEducation!

We are rallying to

✅ create the future our students deserve

✅ ensure the pay, working conditions, and respect teachers and education workers deserve.

✊🏿 Join us!

#GoPublic #FundEducation

Click here to download the image above and don't forget to add it to your post

2. Share Education International messages

Spread the word by sharing the post below on Twitter and Facebook.

3. Print and display the campaign posters

Click here to download the campaign posters to print and display them in your union or school.

4. Download the backgrounds and use them for your online meetings

Click here to download the background below

Click here to download the background below

5. Download and produce the campaign materials

Tote bag
