
Cooperation Projects

Educational support for Burmese refugees' children

Implementing Country


The Parami School was established in 1998 to provide educational opportunities to the children of Burmese migrants and refugees. Since the coup by the military in 2021, the number of refugees has increased due to the civil war and political instability in Myanmar, and the number of students attending Parami School has increased significantly. The school is facing challenges such as aging school facilities and a shortage of school buses, dormitories and beds, and toilets for girls.Under the circumstance, JTU and JICHIRO have decided to support the Parami School. The students come from various backgrounds including ethnic minority groups. Common challenges among those families are poverty, limited access to education, political oppression, insecurities, human rights violations, historical ethnic conflicts among others. To address these challenges, Parami School integrates vocational training and human rights education into its curriculum.


To provide quality education for the children of Burmese migrants and refugees.


Parami provides not only education but also home. Boarding students stay at the school for a variety of reasons: poverty, conflict, unsafe living environments, orphans, among others.

Recently, the School launched a series of summer courses/training to enhance the educational experience including vocational courses (sewing and knitting, and tiling and bricklaying), music classes, English course and basic AI and computer course.

2023 – 2025
1 Implementing Organization
2 Cooperation Partners
Japan All-Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union (JICHIRO)
Levels of education