

  1. Equity and inclusion 11 June 2017

    Portrait of a teacher: Festo Onecan, Headteacher of the Avuru school

    Before the project was launched, some parents viewed children as a source of income.By making them aware, talking openly with them, giving examples of families where children are educated, we are able to make them understand that they have to bring their children back to school.The support of city councillors...

    Portrait of a teacher: Festo Onecan, Headteacher of the Avuru school
  2. Equity and inclusion 11 June 2017

    More than 1000 children have returned to school thanks to Malian teachers

    In Mali, the SNEC (National Union of Education and Culture) has contributed since 2014 to the development of child labour free zones in the regions of Bougouni, Niono, Macina, Dioila and Bla in partnership with local NGOs (ENDA Alphalog and CAEB).

    More than 1000 children have returned to school thanks to Malian teachers
  3. Standards and working conditions 9 June 2017

    Japan: Union marks seven decades of commitment

    The Japan Teachers Union celebrated its 70th anniversary on 8 June, highlighting the work of the union in improving the working conditions and status of teachers.

    Japan: Union marks seven decades of commitment
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 9 June 2017

    Ecuador: Educators receive widespread support at ILO

    With freedom of association in Ecuador severely hampered, education union UNE is taking its demands to a higher level at the International Labour Conference in Geneva.

    Ecuador: Educators receive widespread support at ILO
  5. Union renewal and development 9 June 2017

    Global labour movement reaffirms importance of tripartite social dialogue

    General Secretaries of the International Trade Union Confederation and the Global Union Federations met on the fringes of the International Labour Conference in Geneva today to discuss joint action on cross-sectoral labour issues.

    Global labour movement reaffirms importance of tripartite social dialogue
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 8 June 2017

    EI defends education workers' rights at International Labour Conference

    The labour rights of teachers and quality terms of employment for better education systems have been at the core of EI deputy general secretary Haldis Holst's address to the International Labour Conference.

    EI defends education workers' rights at International Labour Conference
  7. Union growth 7 June 2017

    ILO: Educators highlight labour concerns in sector

    Teachers and education professionals attending the 106th session of the International Labour Conference are going to defend their labour rights in the presence of Governments and employers’ organisations.

    ILO: Educators highlight labour concerns in sector
  8. Standards and working conditions 7 June 2017

    Ukraine: education unionists deepen commitment to a values-based education

    Interactive activities, lively discussions and stirring speeches set the tone for a professional development workshop that brought together teacher union activists from all over Ukraine to explore ways of relaying democratic values in their teaching practice.

    Ukraine: education unionists deepen commitment to a values-based education
  9. Union renewal and development 6 June 2017

    EI calls for unity and solidarity in the wake of terrorism attacks

    After the recent wave of terrorist attacks around the world, Education International (EI) is taking a stand against extremism and in favour of unity and solidarity amongst its members.

    EI calls for unity and solidarity in the wake of terrorism attacks
  10. Standards and working conditions 1 June 2017

    UK: Report warns of low levels of protection for academic freedom

    The University and College Union has launched a report showing significantly lower levels of protection for academic freedom in the UK, when compared to other EU countries.

    UK: Report warns of low levels of protection for academic freedom
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 31 May 2017

    Education unions forge a pathway from research to advocacy

    With an aim to research, refine, and resist, teachers’ unions are reinforcing their leading role at the cutting edge of research methods and practices at the 13th annual Education International Research Network meeting.

    Education unions forge a pathway from research to advocacy
  12. Climate action and literacy 30 May 2017

    Unions push for inclusion to meet national and international development commitments

    The Fiji Teachers Union has reaffirmed its commitment to build a strong platform to implement the Sustainable Development Goal 4 by involving all stakeholders at all levels of policy formulation, implementation, monitoring, and review.

    Unions push for inclusion to meet national and international development commitments
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 29 May 2017

    Romania: 65th country to endorse Safe Schools Declaration

    Education International welcomes the move by Romania to endorse the Safe Schools Declaration, a commitment to protect students, teachers, schools, and universities during times of war.

    Romania: 65th country to endorse Safe Schools Declaration
  14. Union renewal and development 24 May 2017

    PISA and financial literacy: far beyond accounting

    The link between financial literacy skills and social disadvantage are now being connected, according to a new chapter from the PISA 2015 report that shows that financial literacy skills tip the scales of economic advantage.

    PISA and financial literacy: far beyond accounting