

  1. Union renewal and development 22 December 2016


  2. Union renewal and development 22 December 2016


  3. Union renewal and development 22 December 2016


  4. Climate action and literacy 20 December 2016

    Asia-Pacific education unions focus on Education 2030 agenda

    Implementing the Education 2030 agenda in the Asia-Pacific region was the focus of a regional consultation of education union leaders.

    Asia-Pacific education unions focus on Education 2030 agenda
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 20 December 2016

    Colombian academic speaks about armed conflict and human rights

    Together with Education International Deputy General Secretary David Edwards, Colombian academic Miguel Ángel Beltrán discusses challenges to the implementation of human and trade union rights in his country.

    Colombian academic speaks about armed conflict and human rights
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 December 2016

    UK: National Funding Formula falls short, say unions

    Education unions have reacted strongly to the UK Education Secretary’s announcement of a consultation on the school funding system in England, saying that the government’s proposals do not address inequalities of access to education and too many schools will lose funding.

    UK: National Funding Formula falls short, say unions
  7. Equity and inclusion 16 December 2016

    International Migrants Day: EI Calls for the protection of the human rights of migrants

    To commemorate International Migrants Day, Education International calls upon governments, the UN and the international community to defend, protect and promote the human rights of all migrants, migrant children, workers, teachers, educators and their families.

    International Migrants Day: EI Calls for the protection of the human rights of migrants
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 December 2016

    Textbooks must pave the way to sustainable development

    A new policy paper calls on governments to urgently revise the content of their textbooks in line with the core values of the new UN Sustainable Development Agenda.

    Textbooks must pave the way to sustainable development
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 15 December 2016

    Caribbean teachers expose failing school infrastructure

    Education unions reveal that the neglect of school building maintenance, inadequate sanitary facilities, mould infested classrooms, crumbling asbestos rooftops, and unprotected power lines are creating serious health and safety hazards in Caribbean schools.

    Caribbean teachers expose failing school infrastructure
  10. Equity and inclusion 15 December 2016

    Teaching resources to support immigrant and refugee students in Canada

    The Alberta Teachers' Association has produced in partnership with the Canadian Multicultural Education Foundation, a series of teaching resources to support immigrant and refugee students. Each guide focuses on a specific community (Arab, Karen, Somali and South Sudanese students). It provides teachers with information concerning the students' cultural background and...

    Teaching resources to support immigrant and refugee students in Canada
  11. Equity and inclusion 15 December 2016

    NUT helps schools welcome refugee children

    The NUT (England and Wales) has produced a Guide for schools entitled ‘Welcoming Refugee Children to Your School’.  It can be downloaded from the NUT website or printed copies are available by emailing [email protected] . The Guide advocates a whole school community approach which includes students and parents as well...

    NUT helps schools welcome refugee children
  12. Equity and inclusion 14 December 2016

    Education flag flown at the Global Forum on Migration and Development

    The Global Forum on Migration and Development provided education unions with a great opportunity to highlight the key role that education plays in the integrating migrants.

    Education flag flown at the Global Forum on Migration and Development
  13. Leading the profession 14 December 2016

    Global education community reacts to latest PISA report

    The release of the OECD’s 2015 PISA report has the education community around the world abuzz, and Education International’s affiliates and partners have shared their wide spectrum of views in response.

    Global education community reacts to latest PISA report
  14. Union renewal and development 13 December 2016

    The future is now: Education International hits the airwaves

    EdVoices, EI’s new series of podcasts, brings news and analysis from around the world closer than ever to teachers, educators, policy experts, and all those interested in learning more about education.

    The future is now: Education International hits the airwaves
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 12 December 2016

    Human rights education goes beyond physical and linguistic borders

    On the heels of International Human Rights Day, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights’ education programme Speak Truth to Power has launched a free online course for Spanish speakers.

    Human rights education goes beyond physical and linguistic borders
  16. Union renewal and development 9 December 2016

    Communicators build bridges in Belgrade

    Communications experts from EI’s member organisations are meeting in Belgrade for two days of strategic planning and learning on everything related to communications, from geo-targeting to linking advocacy to effective messaging.

    Communicators build bridges in Belgrade
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 December 2016

    UNESCO set for European launch of latest report on global education

    To put the focus on fundamental societal changes needed to achieve global development goals, the new Global Education Monitoring Report is set to be officially released in Brussels.

    UNESCO set for European launch of latest report on global education