

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 8 December 2016

    Niger: united teachers demand that government fulfil its promises

    For the first time ever, education trade unions in Niger have called for a national strike to demand the integration of contract teachers into the civil service, and the payment of wage arrears.

    Niger: united teachers demand that government fulfil its promises
  2. Union growth 6 December 2016

    Education, Human Rights, and Tolerance

    To celebrate International Human Rights Day, EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen says we must look to the instruments of the United Nations and its agencies that enshrine those rights in international law and culture.

    Education, Human Rights, and Tolerance
  3. Union renewal and development 6 December 2016

    PISA: strong on equity, but weak on positive teacher policy

    The OECD’s 2015 PISA contains a range of strong and positive proposals on equity, tackling disadvantage and on the promotion of science teaching, but fails to adopt a coherent narrative on positive teacher policy.

    PISA: strong on equity, but weak on positive teacher policy
  4. Equity and inclusion 5 December 2016

    Valuable resources to fight gender-based violence released

    In the framework of the 16 Days of activism against gender-based violence campaign, UN Women has published a ‘Package of essentials for addressing violence against women’ aimed at advocates, programmers and policy makers.

    Valuable resources to fight gender-based violence released
  5. Fighting the commercialisation of education 4 December 2016

    New study dismantles mirage of ‘low-fee’ private schools

    A new report looks into the operations of Bridge International Academies in Kenya and uncovers the reality behind the private for-profit provider’s claims to offer ‘affordable’ quality education.

    New study dismantles mirage of ‘low-fee’ private schools
  6. Standards and working conditions 2 December 2016

    Cameroon: Teachers press government to take action for improved status

    Teacher unions in Cameroon have unitarily called on primary and secondary teachers to strike in December to force the government to respect commitments on improved teachers’ working and living conditions and fixed status.

    Cameroon: Teachers press government to take action for improved status
  7. Union renewal and development 2 December 2016

    Paving the way to education for people with disabilities

    On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the International Day of People with Disabilities, Education International calls on stakeholders to double their efforts to include teachers and students with disabilities into the education system.

    Paving the way to education for people with disabilities
  8. Union renewal and development 1 December 2016

    European educators elect new leadership

    Gathered for the second day of their their quadrennial conference in Belgrade, Serbia, the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE), Education International’s European Region, has elected a new leadership team to head the organization for the next four years.

    European educators elect new leadership
  9. Union renewal and development 1 December 2016

    European educators gather to promote quality education

    Around 320 participants from 131 education trade unions from 48 countries, representing more than 11 million teachers and education personnel across Europe, gather in Belgrade, Serbia, to set the course for European education policy debates for the next four years.

    European educators gather to promote quality education
  10. Fighting the commercialisation of education 1 December 2016

    Francophonie vote to actively monitor private education stakeholders

    Leaders of the Francophonie member countries have voted in favour of promoting “effective institutional arrangements for regulating private stakeholders in education”, in line with the long-standing advocacy work of Education International and affiliates.

    Francophonie vote to actively monitor private education stakeholders
  11. Equity and inclusion 1 December 2016

    Mexico: New guide to improve Indigenous education

    The Mexican National Union of Education Workers (SNTE), together with UNESCO, has published a ground-breaking guide for teachers to help them excel in the delivery of Indigenous education in the classroom.

    Mexico: New guide to improve Indigenous education
  12. Equity and inclusion 30 November 2016

    Kuwait: Arab countries work to strengthen role of education in the region amid ongoing conflict

    Leaders at the Third Conference of Education International’s Arab Countries Cross Regional Structure reaffirm their commitment to securing the rights of children in the region’s conflict areas and help ensure refugee children’s right to education.

    Kuwait: Arab countries work to strengthen role of education in the region amid ongoing conflict
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 29 November 2016

    UK: Educators highlight need to tackle sexual harassment and violence in schools

    Education unions in the UK have strongly reasserted the need to bring an end to sexual bullying and harassment and refocus efforts to train teachers on sexual harassment and violence awareness.

    UK: Educators highlight need to tackle sexual harassment and violence in schools
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 November 2016

    India: current and future leaders trained in capacity building 

    Education leaders and recipients of the John M. Thompson Fellowship Programme refreshed their knowledge of unions in the region while learning about strategic plans for their own organisations and ways to contribute.

    India: current and future leaders trained in capacity building 
  15. Equity and inclusion 25 November 2016

    Education International launches a ‘call to action’ to address violence against women and girls

    To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls, Education International affiliates are urging governments to support the International Labour Organisation’s Standard on gender based violence and harassment at work.

    Education International launches a ‘call to action’ to address violence against women and girls
  16. Climate action and literacy 25 November 2016

    Civil society reacts to European Commission strategy on SDGs

    Education International has joined with other civil society organisations to demand leadership from the European Union to ensure the full implementation of the sustainable development goals.

    Civil society reacts to European Commission strategy on SDGs