

  1. Union growth 16 November 2016

    Voyage to international conference becomes an odyssey for Colombian academic

    Miguel Angel Beltrán, a prominent academic invited to deliver a keynote on free speech at Education International’s higher education conference in Ghana had to once again overcome political discrimination in order to reach his destination.

    Voyage to international conference becomes an odyssey for Colombian academic
  2. Union renewal and development 16 November 2016

    Death of Elie Jouen, former EI Deputy General Secretary

    It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Elie Jouen, who was Deputy General Secretary at Education International from its foundation until he retired shortly after the Berlin Congress, in 2008.

    Death of Elie Jouen, former EI Deputy General Secretary
  3. Union renewal and development 15 November 2016

    European education unions welcome new ETUCE director

    Education International is pleased to announce the appointment of Susan Flocken as the new European Director of ETUCE (European Trade Union Committee for Education), the European Region of EI.

    European education unions welcome new ETUCE director
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 15 November 2016

    Canada: teachers are victorious as bargaining rights acknowledged by Supreme Court

    After a hard-fought and divisive judicial battle, British Columbia’s educators are celebrating a Supreme Court decision that reaffirms collective bargaining rights and opens the door to the hiring of hundreds of teachers.

    Canada: teachers are victorious as bargaining rights acknowledged by Supreme Court
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 November 2016

    The trade unions of the Francophonie place education under the microscope

    The Francophone Trade Union Committee for Education and Training is meeting in Madagascar to share the French-speaking perspective on union rights to the precarious position of teachers and the private financing of education.

    The trade unions of the Francophonie place education under the microscope
  6. Union renewal and development 10 November 2016

    US Elections: "Though we are disheartened, we must not lose heart."

    The election of Donald Trump has stunned the American education unions NEA and AFT. Both unions have actively campaigned for the election of Hillary Clinton who had promised to give quality public education for all a prominent place on her political agenda.

    US Elections: "Though we are disheartened, we must not lose heart."
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 10 November 2016

    Further and Higher Education and Research leaders gather for the first time in Africa to elevate sectors’ status

    Leaders of tertiary education and research are coming together in Accra, Ghana, to tackle the increasingly changing and challenging conditions facing the further, higher education and research sectors around the world.

    Further and Higher Education and Research leaders gather for the first time in Africa to elevate sectors’ status
  8. Climate action and literacy 10 November 2016

    Education unions want COP22 to be the “action COP”

    Education unions at the 22nd Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change have insisted that this conference be the “action COP”, enabling the implementation process of last year’s formally adopted Paris Agreement.

    Education unions want COP22 to be the “action COP”
  9. Climate action and literacy 10 November 2016

    Education unions want COP22 to be the “action COP”

    Education unions at the 22nd Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change have insisted that this conference be the “action COP”, enabling the implementation process of last year’s formally adopted Paris Agreement.

    Education unions want COP22 to be the “action COP”
  10. Fighting the commercialisation of education 9 November 2016

    Philippines: shining a light on a shadowy edu-business

    In a forum held at Manila City Polytechnic University, teacher unionists and students could gain first-hand information about the operations of the so-called Affordable Private Education Centers in their country.

    Philippines: shining a light on a shadowy edu-business
  11. Climate action and literacy 8 November 2016

    COP22: Workers and education at heart of ‘just transition’ to greener economy

    Education International is joining those advocating for a “just transition” to a greener economy and reiterating that education is a powerful tool to counter climate change, at the 22nd Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

    COP22: Workers and education at heart of ‘just transition’ to greener economy
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 7 November 2016

    UK: Towards a new union for education professionals and their learners

    Two UK education unions are negotiating on their amalgamation, demonstrating their joint vision for education which enables learners to understand and contribute to a wider society, and improves the working lives of education professionals.

    UK: Towards a new union for education professionals and their learners
  13. Fighting the commercialisation of education 4 November 2016

    Uganda: for-profit education chain suffers major blow

    Uganda’s High Court has ordered the immediate closure of more than 60 Bridge International Academies found operating in contravention of the law, a decision that backs the Ministry of Education’s clampdown on the global edu-business.

    Uganda: for-profit education chain suffers major blow
  14. Union renewal and development 4 November 2016

    UK education unions warn that disadvantaged children to be hurt most by cuts

    Disadvantaged children are likely to be hit hardest by government changes to school funding, according to the new School Cuts online initiative from education unions launched by two UK education unions.

    UK education unions warn that disadvantaged children to be hurt most by cuts
  15. Equity and inclusion 3 November 2016

    West African education unions tackle gender equality and issues

    Education union leaders from West Africa have engaged in lively debates on ways to increase and improve women’s empowerment and leadership within trade unions, education and societies in their sub-region.

    West African education unions tackle gender equality and issues
  16. Union growth 2 November 2016

    Ecuador: Brutal persecution of teacher unionists is worsening

    Rosana Palacios, President of the National Union of Educators (UNE), has been threatened with criminal prosecution and prohibited from speaking in the name of her union.

    Ecuador: Brutal persecution of teacher unionists is worsening
  17. Trade union rights are human rights 2 November 2016

    Iran: global campaign launched to free teacher union leader

    Education International has called on its member organisations to take swift action to firmly protest the unwarranted six-year jail sentence imposed on Esmail Abdi, a leader of the Tehran Teacher Trade Association.

    Iran: global campaign launched to free teacher union leader
  18. Fighting the commercialisation of education 2 November 2016

    Education unionists deeply concerned about CETA signature

    Education International, together with international institutions, is worried about the effects on public services, including education, and limitations to public policy space after the signature of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement.

    Education unionists deeply concerned about CETA signature