

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 31 October 2016

    UK: Education Bill pushing academies dropped

    Education unions in the United Kingdom have welcomed the announcement by the Secretary of State for Education that the Education for All Bill, planning to force all schools in ‘underperforming’ local authority areas to become academies, has been dropped.

    UK: Education Bill pushing academies dropped
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 31 October 2016

    Canada: Media Literacy Week encourages student engagement in media tools

    From 31 October until 4 November, the Media Literacy Week in Canada will focus on hands-on media creation for children and teenagers, and highlight the importance of teaching them digital and media literacy skills.

    Canada: Media Literacy Week encourages student engagement in media tools
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 October 2016

    SDGs/Education 2030: EI calls for investment in education and teachers

    Education International has pressed on European and North American governments to ensure inclusive quality education for all children, young people and adults by investing in education and teachers.

    SDGs/Education 2030: EI calls for investment in education and teachers
  4. Union growth 28 October 2016

    Kenya: a new salary deal for all teachers

    This week concludes with good news for teacher unions in Kenya, as Education International affiliates KNUT and KUPPET signed a historic collective bargaining agreement, which includes a significant salary boost.

    Kenya: a new salary deal for all teachers
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 27 October 2016

    Bombing of Syrian schools sparks outrage within the education community

    Global condemnation has been swift and fierce following the bombings of schools in the cities of Hass and Aleppo, which have left at least 25 children and six teachers dead among scores of injured.

    Bombing of Syrian schools sparks outrage within the education community
  6. Equity and inclusion 26 October 2016

    EI leaders support women’s rights activism around the world

    The Education International Executive Board has issued a statement in support of the women’s rights activists, trade union activists and others who have been demonstrating in recent months against violations of women’s rights worldwide.

    EI leaders support women’s rights activism around the world
  7. Union renewal and development 26 October 2016

    Trade unions are ready to shape the future of education

    Howard Stevenson from the University of Nottingham believes that the challenges faced by the teaching profession can only be faced by renewed and empowered education unions, who enable their members to become agents of change.

    Trade unions are ready to shape the future of education
  8. Union renewal and development 25 October 2016

    Education International Executive Board meets in Brussels

    With a full agenda to tackle, Executive Board members are convening for the 48th meeting to review EI’s extensive programmes around the world and look toward the organisation’s future plans.

    Education International Executive Board meets in Brussels
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 October 2016

    For the “Whole Student” – health, education UN Goals must be linked

    Education International and partner organisation ASCD have pledged shared effort on numbers three and four of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, acknowledging that significant progress on either depends upon realising their connection.

    For the “Whole Student” – health, education UN Goals must be linked
  10. Standards and working conditions 24 October 2016

    Belize: education union forces government to agree on its demands

    The Belize National Teachers’ Union has suspended its strike for improved working and living conditions for teachers and quality education after the national government agreed on the educators demands.

    Belize: education union forces government to agree on its demands
  11. Union growth 20 October 2016

    Former member of EI staff receives top USA human rights award

    Education International has warmly welcomed the announcement that the 2016 Edward O’Brien Award for Human Rights Education is awarded to Human Rights Education Associates’ Founder, and former Education International’s research coordinator, Felisa Tibbitts.

    Former member of EI staff receives top USA human rights award
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 October 2016

    UN: Education should be the foundation of sustainable cities

    The Habitat III agreement on the New Urban Agenda acknowledges the strong links between sustainable urbanisation and education for all.

    UN: Education should be the foundation of sustainable cities
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 October 2016

    African teachers top up efforts for quality education

    Teachers from Kenya and Zambia are taking decisive steps to improve the quality of education in their schools through a project to help them assess and defend a better curriculum at primary and secondary level.

    African teachers top up efforts for quality education
  14. Equity and inclusion 18 October 2016

    UK: gender inequality puts future of teaching profession at risk

    Gender inequality, combined with crushing workloads and attacks on their pay and working conditions, are threatening to drive women out of the teaching profession in the UK.

    UK: gender inequality puts future of teaching profession at risk
  15. Union renewal and development 17 October 2016

    Haiti: global educator solidarity at work after devastating Hurricane Matthew

    Education International is meeting with its member organisations in Haiti to shape a plan to strengthen their capacity for action and offer long-term assistance for severely affected educators in the country’s hard hit south.

    Haiti: global educator solidarity at work after devastating Hurricane Matthew
  16. Standards and working conditions 16 October 2016

    Portugal: Creative celebration of educators

    Artists from a wide variety of disciplines and locations joined education unionists in Lisbon to celebrate the importance of teachers and education workers to the development of individuals and society as a whole.

    Portugal: Creative celebration of educators
  17. Union renewal and development 14 October 2016

    Education unions pay tribute to New Zealand’s Helen Kelly

    A former teacher and union leader, Ms Kelly is being remembered by friends, colleagues and the global teaching community for her lifelong commitment to quality public education both at home and around the world.

    Education unions pay tribute to New Zealand’s Helen Kelly
  18. Fighting the commercialisation of education 13 October 2016

    Global unions demand that TiSA negotiations be stopped

    Following the release of new leaked documents exposing the details of the secret Trade in Services Agreement, six global union federations are calling for all talks to be brought to a halt.

    Global unions demand that TiSA negotiations be stopped