

  1. Union renewal and development 18 March 2024

    Palestine: Teachers stand by their students amid war and destruction

    The war in Gaza and repercussions felt in the West Bank have had a catastrophic impact on the education sector, leaving teachers and students facing great financial distress and with profound emotional scars. Along with their call for a cease fire and peace for their region, the General Union of...

    Palestine: Teachers stand by their students amid war and destruction
  2. Standards and working conditions 15 March 2024

    Leaders of learning: Teachers in Malaysia use learning circles to introduce innovative formative assessment practice

    Since March 2023, with the support of the National Union of the Teaching Profession Malaysia (NUTP), 30 primary school teachers have transformed learning in classrooms from Penang to Kuala Lumpur through leading the development of formative assessment practices in their schools.

    Leaders of learning: Teachers in Malaysia use learning circles to introduce innovative formative assessment practice
  3. Equity and inclusion 14 March 2024

    The targeting of Gaza’s essential workers and civilian infrastructure is an attack on us all

    By Daniel Bertossa

    The article below was written by Daniel Bertossa, General Secretary of Public Services International. We are featuring a segment of the article on the Education International website and encourage you to read the article in full here .

    The targeting of Gaza’s essential workers and civilian infrastructure is an attack on us all
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 March 2024

    Education unionists call for free quality public education to help end poverty for women and girls in all their diversity

    The 68th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women takes place in New York from March 11th to the 22nd. The Commission is the most important global forum that works to advance gender equality and women’s rights and conditions, globally. A delegation of 17 women education...

    Education unionists call for free quality public education to help end poverty for women and girls in all their diversity
  5. Standards and working conditions 13 March 2024

    France: education unions mobilise for better wages and public education

    No to the knowledge shake-up, yes to a wage shake-up! This is the message that education unions in France want to deliver to the government. Unions are opposing budget cuts, warning that the purchasing power of public sector workers’ is plummeting. They have called a strike for education staff on...

    France: education unions mobilise for better wages and public education
  6. Solidarity in emergencies 4 March 2024

    Solidarity Beyond Borders: Updates on Eğitim Sen's Earthquake Relief Efforts

    Education International (EI) organized a webinar on 22 February to update affiliates on the solidarity efforts by Eğitim Sen, EI's union Türkiye, following the February 2023 earthquake. The webinar featured speakers from Eğitim Sen, EI Executive Board members Johanna Astrand and Maike Finnern, and was moderated by EI General Secretary...

    Solidarity Beyond Borders: Updates on Eğitim Sen's Earthquake Relief Efforts
  7. Standards and working conditions 1 March 2024

    Transformative impact: Learning Circles for Formative Assessment support teacher leadership and student learning across Ghana

    Thirty-six primary school teachers across Ghana’s Central, Ashanti and Upper East region have taken part in the Teacher-led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment (T3LFA) Project to identify promising formative assessment practices that address issues that are unique to the country’s context.

    Transformative impact: Learning Circles for Formative Assessment support teacher leadership and student learning across Ghana
  8. Democracy 28 February 2024

    Iran: Education International demands the unconditional release of teacher unionists

    Education International renewed its call for the release of imprisoned teachers and unionists in Iran and asked for the International Labour Organization (ILO) to follow up on the issue in a recent meeting with the Director General, Gilbert Houngbo in Geneva.

    Iran: Education International demands the unconditional release of teacher unionists
  9. Standards and working conditions 28 February 2024

    Lessons and learnings from Asia Pacific: Insights from the third webinar on teacher-led learning circles for formative assessment

    On 27 February 2024, the third webinar of the Teacher-led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment (T3LFA) series took place to share key lessons and learnings from implementation. Called ‘Teacher-led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment: Lessons and Learnings from Asia Pacific,’ the focus of this webinar was to provide a platform...

    Lessons and learnings from Asia Pacific: Insights from the third webinar on teacher-led learning circles for formative assessment
  10. Union renewal and development 26 February 2024

    South Sudan: A young union strengthened and emboldened by South-South cooperation

    “We will use the experience provided by the Uganda National Teachers’ Union (UNATU) as a starting point, making sure that we are now going to convince the government to cooperate with us.” That is how Garang Deng Kuol Athian, chairman of the National Teachers Union South Sudan (NTUSS), described the...

    South Sudan: A young union strengthened and emboldened by South-South cooperation
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 February 2024

    United Nations High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession launches landmark recommendations to end the global teacher shortage and strengthen the profession

    Convened by the United Nations Secretary- General in response to the alarming global teacher shortage, the High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession developed 59 recommendations to ensure teachers are valued and respected. The broad and progressive recommendations are the result of sustained union advocacy and a unique opportunity to effect...

    United Nations High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession launches landmark recommendations to end the global teacher shortage and strengthen the profession
  12. Standards and working conditions 20 February 2024

    Fostering self-learning: Learning Circle Project develops formative assessment practices for student self-evaluation in South Korea

    The beginning of 2024 marked the end of the Teacher-led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment (T3LFA) project cycle for 28 primary school teachers in South Korea. From Jeju to Jeonbuk, teachers in South Korea developed their leadership skills through the 11-month professional learning and development (PLD) programme to identify and...

    Fostering self-learning: Learning Circle Project develops formative assessment practices for student self-evaluation in South Korea
  13. Leading the profession 15 February 2024

    Morocco: Teachers’ unions continue to work in solidarity for students affected by the earthquake

    In its continued efforts to help the communities affected by the earthquake in Morocco, the Syndicat National de l’Enseignement, member of the Fédération Démocratique du Travail (SNE/FDT), organised an educational activity for displaced pupils in Marrakesh.

    Morocco: Teachers’ unions continue to work in solidarity for students affected by the earthquake
  14. Standards and working conditions 14 February 2024

    Securing dignity: Mexico's pension reform initiative supports teachers and public sector workers

    Education International’s affiliate in Mexico, Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (SNTE) has voiced its support for a Mexican government proposal to reform the pension system for state workers. This reform proposal, put forward by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to the Chamber of Deputies, signifies a pivotal move...

    Securing dignity: Mexico's pension reform initiative supports teachers and public sector workers
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 13 February 2024

    Gaza’s journalists face hunger as well as bombing

    Article by Tim Dawson

    As the war in Gaza continues, Global Union Federations are shining a light on the crisis workers face across all economic sectors. Through a series of essays and articles on our websites, we aim to expose the conflict's devastating impact on livelihoods, safety and well-being for working people while emphasizing...

    Gaza’s journalists face hunger as well as bombing
  16. News 13 February 2024

    National Education Association Board of Directors takes action to reaffirm call for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas

    The Board of Directors of the National Education Association renewed NEA’s original call for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas when it adopted a motion that underscored the need for the release of the hostages abducted by Hamas from Israel on October 7, immediate and full humanitarian aid to affected...

    National Education Association Board of Directors takes action to reaffirm call for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas
  17. Solidarity in emergencies 8 February 2024

    Union solidarity: Palestinian teachers provide socio-emotional support to their students

    Education International together with its member organisation, the General Union of Palestinian Teachers, and the Ministry of Education of the Palestinian Authority organised training sessions for Palestinian teachers to equip them with the skills they need to provide vital emotional support to their students traumatised by ongoing war and mass...

    Union solidarity: Palestinian teachers provide socio-emotional support to their students