

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 September 2016

    No shortcuts or substitutes for teachers

    The importance and need of qualified and well-supported teachers has been reinforced with the launch of the Education Commission Report, which puts teachers at the heart of quality education and calls for increased investment.

    No shortcuts or substitutes for teachers
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 September 2016

    UK: Unions condemn reintroduction of selective grammar schools

    Teacher unions have reacted strongly to the Government’s proposal to end the ban on the creation of new grammar schools, and are demanding measures intended to prevent poorer children from losing out.

    UK: Unions condemn reintroduction of selective grammar schools
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 September 2016

    OECD’s Education at a Glance 2016 reveals public benefits of education and need for increased spending

    Education International has reacted to the latest Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Education at a Glance (EaG) 2016, stressing the positive impact of quality education, and demanding an increased investment in education.

    OECD’s Education at a Glance 2016 reveals public benefits of education and need for increased spending
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 13 September 2016

    Thailand: Bombing outside school leaves two dead

    The attack, which killed a father and daughter in front of an elementary school, is the latest in a string of violent acts connected to an ongoing decade-long conflict in the country’s south.

    Thailand: Bombing outside school leaves two dead
  5. Union renewal and development 12 September 2016

    USA: Trump’s proposed education cuts detrimental to students and teachers

    US education unions have expressed serious concerns at Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s announcement that he will reduce the education budget by US$20 billion.

    USA: Trump’s proposed education cuts detrimental to students and teachers
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 12 September 2016

    International solidarity helps Iraqi teachers organise

    The Iraqi Teachers’ Union received a recent boost to its organisational efforts through a workshop organised by Education International's Arab Countries Cross-Regional Structure and the British National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers.

    International solidarity helps Iraqi teachers organise
  7. Fighting the commercialisation of education 11 September 2016

    Slovenia: education union urges parliament not to sign EU free trade agreement with Canada

    With the possible signing of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement looming, the Education, Science, and Culture Trade Union of Slovenia has warned the national parliamentarians of the negative impact of this agreement.

    Slovenia: education union urges parliament not to sign EU free trade agreement with Canada
  8. Equity and inclusion 9 September 2016

    17 ways to improve girls’ education

    With over 32 million girls out of schools worldwide, there are many ways in which girl’s education can be promoted – a new website offers at least 17 examples of how to do so.

    17 ways to improve girls’ education
  9. Union renewal and development 8 September 2016

    America unites for peace in Colombia as country prepares to vote

    Teacher unions of the Americas are campaigning in favour of the ‘Yes’ vote ahead of a crucial referendum that will put an end to more than five decades of war in Colombia.

    America unites for peace in Colombia as country prepares to vote
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 September 2016

    New Zealand: Unions unite against ‘global funding’ proposal

    Over 50 unprecedented combined meetings of 60,000 members from both the Post Primary Teachers’ Association and the New Zealand Educational Institute Te Riu Roa are being held to oppose the government’s proposal for ‘Global Funding’.

    New Zealand: Unions unite against ‘global funding’ proposal
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 7 September 2016

    Literacy vital for democratic, social, and economic development

    To mark the 50th anniversary of International Literacy Day, governments and organisations around the world are mobilising to promote literacy as an instrument to empower individuals, communities, and societies.

    Literacy vital for democratic, social, and economic development
  12. Equity and inclusion 7 September 2016

    Nearly 50 million children “uprooted” worldwide

    Across the globe, nearly 50 million children have been uprooted, migrating to find a better, safer life, with 28 million forcibly displaced by conflict and violence within and across borders, a new UNICEF study reveals.

    Nearly 50 million children “uprooted” worldwide
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 6 September 2016

    UN report outlines challenges in achieving education for all

    Education needs to fundamentally change if society is to reach its global development goals. That’s according to the new Global Education Monitoring Report published by UNESCO.

    UN report outlines challenges in achieving education for all
  14. Union growth 2 September 2016

    Colombian academic freed from prison

    After more than a year in prison, Miguel Ángel Beltrán, a Colombian academic, has been acquitted from his 8 year sentence by the Colombian Supreme Court, making him a free man.

    Colombian academic freed from prison
  15. Union renewal and development 1 September 2016

    Management training for Sri Lanka’s teachers’ unions an ‘eye-opening’ experience

    Successfully running development programmes is a challenge for even the most experienced professionals, which is why Education International’s Sri Lankan affiliates jumped at the chance to learn from the experts.

    Management training for Sri Lanka’s teachers’ unions an ‘eye-opening’ experience
  16. Standards and working conditions 28 August 2016

    Latest study on gender pay gap reveals that not all teachers are equal

    In its findings the United Kingdom’s Institute for Fiscal Studies has shown that on average men are being paid significantly more than women in local authority schools, and the problem is even worse in academies.

    Latest study on gender pay gap reveals that not all teachers are equal