

  1. Fighting the commercialisation of education 22 June 2016

    Public Service Day celebrated as momentum to oppose trade deals grows

    As unions and civil society take a moment to mark Public Services Day the the on-going global campaign against international trade agreements that undermine the provision of public services everywhere continues to gain traction.

    Public Service Day celebrated as momentum to oppose trade deals grows
  2. Union renewal and development 22 June 2016

    Russia: boating tragedy the result of negligence and recklessness on multiple levels

    In the aftermath of a boating accident which left 14 disadvantaged children dead during an outing at a summer camp, investigators are placing blame on the government’s cost-cutting measures that led to the tragic events

    Russia: boating tragedy the result of negligence and recklessness on multiple levels
  3. Union renewal and development 22 June 2016

    Education International condemns violence against educators in Mexico

    Education International strongly condemns the escalating violence against teachers, students and citizens which resulted in 6 deaths on 19 June in Oaxaca, Mexico.

    Education International condemns violence against educators in Mexico
  4. Fighting the commercialisation of education 21 June 2016

    Teacher refuses Pearson award

    A teacher at Hackney College, UK, has refused to accept the Silver award for Lecturer of the year, in opposition to the involvement of the private sector in education.

    Teacher refuses Pearson award
  5. Equity and inclusion 20 June 2016

    Education International demands respect for refugees’ right to learn and teach

    On 20 June, World Refugee Day, Education International urges governments to protect refugees’ human rights, including the right to education, and to enable the teaching profession to develop and deliver effective education programmes aimed at a swift integration of refugees in their host countries.

    Education International demands respect for refugees’ right to learn and teach
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 17 June 2016

    Tajikistan: teachers trained on trade unionism and Sustainable Development Goals

    Teachers in the country’s south-eastern region had the opportunity to boost their leadership skills while learning how to shape the future during recent workshops organised by the Asia-Pacific regional office of Education International.

    Tajikistan: teachers trained on trade unionism and Sustainable Development Goals
  7. Climate action and literacy 16 June 2016

    Is Europe’s trade agreement with Canada the Trojan horse of TTIP?

    This was the question being asked as Belgian education unionists and civil society activists debated the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement’s implications on the public sector, in particular education, recently in Brussels.

    Is Europe’s trade agreement with Canada the Trojan horse of TTIP?
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 June 2016

    Global leaders try to halt the ‘education deficit’

    Governments’ responsibility to ensure quality education for all will be put on the table as policymakers and funding agencies meet in Norway to adopt measures to improve access to quality education globally.

    Global leaders try to halt the ‘education deficit’
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 14 June 2016

    Global condemnation of travel ban for Bahraini education union leader

    Education International has joined other international organisations in firmly condemning the travel ban imposed on Bahraini teacher unionist Jalila al-Salman as she attempted to attend the Svensson Award ceremony in Oslo, Norway.

    Global condemnation of travel ban for Bahraini education union leader
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 14 June 2016

    Global appeal launched to free Canadian academic from Iranian prison

    Efforts are underway to pressure the Iranian authorities to release Canadian academic Homa Hoodfar, who is being held in Tehran’s Evin prison after being arrested on baseless charges while in the country.

    Global appeal launched to free Canadian academic from Iranian prison
  11. Equity and inclusion 10 June 2016

    World Day against Child Labour 2016

    On 12 June, let's say ‘No’ to refugee children forced to engage in child labour activities.

    World Day against Child Labour 2016
  12. Equity and inclusion 10 June 2016

    Have your say on gender aspects of Sustainable Development Goals

    Education International invites its affiliates to add their expertise and comment on 12 significant gender-related policy briefs addressing 12 areas of investment in girls and women to power progress for all.

    Have your say on gender aspects of Sustainable Development Goals
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 June 2016

    UK: Trade union action escalates in university pay dispute

    The University and College Union in the United Kingdom has decided on a strategy of disruption targeted at open days, graduation days and an assessment boycott to protest short-term contracts and a gender pay gap.

    UK: Trade union action escalates in university pay dispute
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 8 June 2016

    It takes a whole school, if not a whole society, to teach about human rights

    Preparing today’s learners for their multicultural reality goes well beyond teaching human rights as a stand-alone lesson in the classroom, instead requiring the creation of an environment where everyone understands, values and protects human rights.

    It takes a whole school, if not a whole society, to teach about human rights
  15. Union growth 7 June 2016

    Universal values at heart of human rights education

    The foundation for an education based on a human rights-centric approach, encompassing universal values of understanding and tolerance, and of seeing cultural differences as opportunity rather than threat was the message today in Riga, Latvia.

    Universal values at heart of human rights education
  16. Fighting the commercialisation of education 7 June 2016

    The education bridge to nowhere

    For-profit education provider Bridge International Academies revealed its true colours after orchestrating the arrest of a Canadian researcher investigating its operations in Uganda, a country where the company’s expansion plans were recently put on hold.

    The education bridge to nowhere