

  1. Fighting the commercialisation of education 12 April 2016

    Pearson stakeholders’ report rings alarm bell about privatisation in education

    A report published by Education International has put the world’s biggest private education company on notice, detailing the multinational’s threat to education quality and access through the pursuit of its financial interests.

    Pearson stakeholders’ report rings alarm bell about privatisation in education
  2. Union renewal and development 12 April 2016

    Latin America

    Latin America
  3. Union renewal and development 12 April 2016


  4. Union renewal and development 12 April 2016


  5. Union renewal and development 12 April 2016


  6. Union renewal and development 12 April 2016


  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 April 2016

    UK: Unions welcome dropping of baseline assessment by Government

    Major UK education unions have welcomed the announcement by Government that baseline assessments will not now be used for measuring primary school student progress in subsequent years. This follows the publication of a comparative study on baseline assessments used by primary schools.

    UK: Unions welcome dropping of baseline assessment by Government
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 7 April 2016

    Philippines: teachers defend quality education against increased privatisation

    Filipino teachers are fighting the government’s ‘K to 12’ plan which they believe would increase education privatisation and commercialisation and be detrimental to access to quality education for all.

    Philippines: teachers defend quality education against increased privatisation
  9. Fighting the commercialisation of education 6 April 2016

    Experts warn against wave of for-profit education

    Academics and union leaders are looking behind the false claims about the commercialisation of education, revealing its devastating effects on schools, society and democracy.

    Experts warn against wave of for-profit education
  10. Equity and inclusion 5 April 2016

    European teacher unions’ voice heard at UNESCO debate on gender equality

    Jobs and qualifications must not depend on someone’s gender. That was the key message reiterated by the European Trade Union Committee for Education in a debate on Gender equality and Education on 18 March at the European Parliament.

    European teacher unions’ voice heard at UNESCO debate on gender equality
  11. Union renewal and development 4 April 2016

    Successful implementation of education policy relies on teacher involvement

    Educators from over 30 countries have linked the promotion of education as public good to teacher autonomy, political commitment by governments and the recognition of education unions as agents of change.

    Successful implementation of education policy relies on teacher involvement
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 4 April 2016

    Bahrain: Teacher leader freed after five years in prison

    Earlier today, Mahdi Abu Dheeb, leader of the Bahrain Teachers Association, an EI affiliate in the country, was released from prison. He had been held in detention since 2011, when he was sentenced to a prison sentence for the simple fact of calling for a teachers’ strike in support of...

    Bahrain: Teacher leader freed after five years in prison
  13. Standards and working conditions 4 April 2016

    Teachers are key to quality education and successful 2030 Education Agenda

    The Teacher Target in the Sustainable Development Goals and Education 2030 must be implemented. This was one key finding from the 8th Policy Dialogue Forum - International Task Force on Teachers held in Mexico from 14-17 March.

    Teachers are key to quality education and successful 2030 Education Agenda
  14. Union renewal and development 31 March 2016

    French unions brace against anti-social reforms

    While economic, social and educational reform plans are stirring up heated debates in France, the countries’ two largest education unions, UNSA Education and SNES-FSU, hold their congresses this week in Grenoble.

    French unions brace against anti-social reforms