

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 27 January 2016

    United Kingdom: Empowering teachers to empower learners

    Finding innovative, practical solutions to today’s social challenges; the need to build a movement of empowered - and empowering - teachers; and embracing a humane, democratic approach to transforming education systems - those were the issues discussed by educators and experts at a recent event in London.

    United Kingdom: Empowering teachers to empower learners
  2. Equity and inclusion 25 January 2016

    Canada: School shooting sheds light on issues that go beyond the classroom

    The lives lost to gunfire in La Loche, Saskatchewan represent not only a tragedy to a community, but reinforce the need of quality schools and teachers in places facing social challenges.

    Canada: School shooting sheds light on issues that go beyond the classroom
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 22 January 2016

    The importance of teachers and the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution

    While all the talk and excitement in Davos is focused on the next industrial revolution, the key to quality education remains living, breathing classroom teachers, despite of all the digital hype.

    The importance of teachers and the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 21 January 2016

    Ground-breaking research strengthens link between peacebuilding and education

    A new study sheds light on the relationship between education and justice in conflict situations, focusing on how to foster the respect for human rights and democracy from and towards the classroom.

    Ground-breaking research strengthens link between peacebuilding and education
  5. Equity and inclusion 21 January 2016

    Majority of Canadian teachers say that more LGBTQ support is needed in schools

    According to Canada’s largest study on teachers’ perspectives on LGBTQ inclusive education in the country, only 30 percent of educators say their schools have responded effectively to homophobic, biphobic and transphobic harassment.

    Majority of Canadian teachers say that more LGBTQ support is needed in schools
  6. Union renewal and development 20 January 2016

    Attack on Pakistan university leaves scores dead, injured

    Security forces have ended a deadly siege at the Bacha Khan University in Charsadda, in north western Pakistan, after a group of militants stormed the school as morning classes were getting underway.

    Attack on Pakistan university leaves scores dead, injured
  7. Union renewal and development 19 January 2016

    Canadian educators killed in deadly Burkina Faso attacks

    Education International has learned that members of its Quebec affiliate were among the 29 people killed during last weekend’s attack on a hotel by gunmen in Ouagadougou.

    Canadian educators killed in deadly Burkina Faso attacks
  8. Union renewal and development 18 January 2016

    Education unions face new development cooperation challenges

    With development cooperation facing new funding challenges, education unions are being forced to redefine a strategy based on self-funded initiatives, while continuing to push for increased financial commitments from governments.

    Education unions face new development cooperation challenges
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 18 January 2016

    New ITUC report exposes hidden workforce of 116 million in global supply chains

    The global supply chains of 50 companies employ only six percent of people in direct employment, yet rely on a hidden workforce of 94 percent according to new research from the International Trade Union Confederation.

    New ITUC report exposes hidden workforce of 116 million in global supply chains
  10. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 January 2016

    Privatisation vultures pose serious threat to Liberia’s public education system

    Teachers and civil society are teaming up in an effort to stop Bridge International, the transnational private education provider, which has set its sights on profiting off Liberia’s fragile public education system.

    Privatisation vultures pose serious threat to Liberia’s public education system
  11. Equity and inclusion 14 January 2016

    Iraqi teachers' campaign strives to end violence against women

    In conjunction with the United Nations’ recent 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, Iraqi teachers organised a number of activities under the theme of “Home Peace to World Peace, Peaceful Education for All.”

    Iraqi teachers' campaign strives to end violence against women
  12. Equity and inclusion 13 January 2016

    USA: educators play key role in combatting human trafficking

    American education unions are taking the fight against human trafficking to the classroom, with a toolkit designed to help teachers recognise and act in case a student is suspected of being a victim.

    USA: educators play key role in combatting human trafficking
  13. Standards and working conditions 13 January 2016

    Filipino teachers granted ‘meagre’ salary increase

    Educators in the Philippines have reacted strongly after a law was passed, granting them a ‘meagre’ and ‘insulting’ salary increase, while other sectors received a much higher salary raise.

    Filipino teachers granted ‘meagre’ salary increase
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 7 January 2016

    UK: Support for academies in education bill a mistake, say experts

    Trade unions in the UK have joined together with education experts, including teachers, governors, and school staff, to highlight the shortcomings of their government's Education and Adoption Bill to speed up the process of converting ‘failing’ schools into academies.

    UK: Support for academies in education bill a mistake, say experts
  15. Equity and inclusion 7 January 2016

    Become Program Coordinator, join education unions taking action to stop SRGBV!

    The UN Girls Education Initiative, Education International and Gender at Work are looking for a Program Coordinator in the framework of their three-year multi-country initiative in Africa to end school-related gender-based violence.

    Become Program Coordinator, join education unions taking action to stop SRGBV!
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 6 January 2016

    Welcome to the Global Education Monitoring Report!

    The UNESCO Education for All Global Monitoring Report has formally been renamed the Global Education Monitoring Report.

    Welcome to the Global Education Monitoring Report!