

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 19 October 2015

    Bahrain: union president in need of urgent medical help

    Mahdi Abu Dheeb, president of the Bahraini Teachers’ Association, is said to be in poor health and is being refused medical treatment as he continues to serve a five year prison sentence.

    Bahrain: union president in need of urgent medical help
  2. Equity and inclusion 15 October 2015

    Teacher unions focus on plight of refugee children’s education

    From Europe to the United States, teacher unions are urging their governments to both welcome more refugees and to ensure that schools open their doors to make quality education available to refugee children.

    Teacher unions focus on plight of refugee children’s education
  3. Standards and working conditions 15 October 2015

    Polish “Teachers' Protest Day” draws thousands to the capital

    More than 15 thousands teachers and workers in education, from primary to higher education and science, took to the streets of Warsaw Wednesday to protest against education policy on the Day of National Education.

    Polish “Teachers' Protest Day” draws thousands to the capital
  4. Union renewal and development 15 October 2015

    Security and funding at the core of African regional committee

    Education International’s African committee is convening with a focus on the two major challenges that hamper quality education on the continent: lack of school security and the urgent need for funding.

    Security and funding at the core of African regional committee
  5. Fighting the commercialisation of education 14 October 2015

    International campaigners say British aid to private schools could violate human rights

    A new ground breaking report has found that the UK’s education development funding policies that favour for-profit low-fee private schools may be in violation of the country’s obligations to the right to free quality education.

    International campaigners say British aid to private schools could violate human rights
  6. Fighting the commercialisation of education 14 October 2015

    Germany: Education unions join in massive protest against EU-US trade deal

    An alliance of civil society organisations, including trade unions, mobilised more than 150,000 people to protest against the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, making it the biggest manifestation the country has seen in decades.

    Germany: Education unions join in massive protest against EU-US trade deal
  7. Fighting the commercialisation of education 14 October 2015

    Germany: Education unions join in massive protest against EU-US trade deal

    An alliance of civil society organisations, including trade unions, mobilised more than 150,000 people to protest against the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, making it the biggest manifestation the country has seen in decades.

    Germany: Education unions join in massive protest against EU-US trade deal
  8. Standards and working conditions 14 October 2015

    Study examines impact of austerity on the teaching profession

    A new report on the status of teachers and the teaching profession sheds light on how austerity policies in the education sector undermine free, quality education for all.

    Study examines impact of austerity on the teaching profession
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 October 2015

    Gambian teachers strive to become agents of change

    In an unprecedented effort to strengthen their capacity as social players, a group of union leaders from across Gambia are working to evaluate their situation and shape their collective voice.

    Gambian teachers strive to become agents of change
  10. Union growth 13 October 2015

    Plight of missing Yemeni teacher unknown as efforts to secure his release continue

    Education International has brought its full support to Hilal Akrout, a teacher unionist, as well as all education workers arbitrarily detained in Yemen, and demands respect for the fundamental human rights and freedoms of the people of Yemen.

    Plight of missing Yemeni teacher unknown as efforts to secure his release continue
  11. Standards and working conditions 12 October 2015

    EI recommendations included in latest CEART report

    Education International has succeeded in having some of its proposals to the Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendation concerning Teaching Personnel included in the latest report, which is now available online.

    EI recommendations included in latest CEART report
  12. Union renewal and development 12 October 2015

    Turkey: EI condemns horrific attack on peace and democracy

    Education International has offered heartfelt condolences to its Turkish affiliate, the Education and Science Workers’ Union of Turkey, after eight of its activists were confirmed killed in bomb attacks that struck Ankara over the weekend.

    Turkey: EI condemns horrific attack on peace and democracy
  13. Union renewal and development 9 October 2015

    Education International’s Tunisian affiliates celebrate Nobel Peace Prize

    The 2015 Nobel Peace Prize honouring the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet for its role in helping build democracy following the country’s revolution includes five of Education International’s very own affiliates.

    Education International’s Tunisian affiliates celebrate Nobel Peace Prize
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 October 2015

    Lebanese teachers’ union singles out politicians for country’s woes

    The President of the Teachers Syndicate of Lebanon, Nehme Mahfoud, has lashed out at the political elite of his country for not settling their differences, causing the country to have a disfunctional parliament, a paralised government and no head of state.

    Lebanese teachers’ union singles out politicians for country’s woes
  15. Equity and inclusion 9 October 2015

    Education International celebrates the International Day of the Girl Child

    Education International marks International Day of the Girl Child, 11 October, by reaffirming the importance of education in empowering girls, and by highlighting the resolution on school-related gender-based violence adopted by its latest World Congress.

    Education International celebrates the International Day of the Girl Child
  16. Union renewal and development 8 October 2015

    Arab teachers' unions establish new Arab Organization for Education

    Education unions from twelve Arab countries met on 7 and 8 October in Beirut to establish a new Arab organisation to promote education quality, the status of teachers and democratic development in their countries.

    Arab teachers' unions establish new Arab Organization for Education