Equity and inclusion 3 November 2023 Decolonising education unions’ development cooperation projects
How to avoid unbalanced relationships between unions engaged in development cooperation (DC) projects? This is the key question DC partners belonging to Education International (EI) member organisations set upon answering during an online meeting held on 20 October. Participants gave examples of projects they were involved in, concrete measures they...
Decolonising education unions’ development cooperation projects -
Equity and inclusion 30 October 2023 New research informs union work to overcome copyright obstacles for teachers and teaching
On September 28, the International Day for Universal Access to Information, Education International hosted an online event entitled Pathways to pedagogy: Overcoming copyright obstacles for teacher resource access. The event launched three new pieces of research commissioned by Education International on copyright regimes and their impact on education and educators...
New research informs union work to overcome copyright obstacles for teachers and teaching -
Standards and working conditions 27 October 2023 Ethiopia: The Ethiopian Teachers’ Association mobilises for safe schools and workplaces
On the occasion of World Teachers’ Day (WTD), October 5th, the Ethiopian Teachers’ Association (ETA) reaffirmed that quality education requires safe teaching and learning environments.
Ethiopia: The Ethiopian Teachers’ Association mobilises for safe schools and workplaces -
Leading the profession 25 October 2023 Listen to Education International’s new “Pedagogies of Possibility” podcast!
Education International’s new “Pedagogies of Possibility” podcast series explores how the Teacher-led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment (T3LFA) project has provided the space for educators to come together across its seven project countries to invent innovative pedagogical practice that improves educational outcomes for all students.
Listen to Education International’s new “Pedagogies of Possibility” podcast! -
Fighting the commercialisation of education 24 October 2023 Go Public! Leading further and higher education and research for the common good
The 12th International Further and Higher Education and Research Conference, co-hosted by Education International and its member organisation Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (SNTE), is taking place in Mexico City from October 24 to the 26.
Go Public! Leading further and higher education and research for the common good -
Future of work in education 20 October 2023 EI's Research Network: Critical dialogues on teacher status and artificial intelligence in education
The profound implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education and the status of teachers globally were at the forefront of discussions during Education International's (EI) 18th annual Research Network (ResNet) meeting. Held virtually on 19 October, the event continued the tradition of fostering global solidarity and research-driven strategies among education...
EI's Research Network: Critical dialogues on teacher status and artificial intelligence in education -
Trade union rights are human rights 20 October 2023 Workers exchange strategies for inclusive trade unions and education systems
Trade unionists gathered for the 6th Education International (EI)/Public Services International (PSI) lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT)+ Forum held on 13 October in Geneva, Switzerland, reaffirming the need for workers, including in the public education sector, to show promising practices on how trade unions are , protecting LGBT+ rights,...
Workers exchange strategies for inclusive trade unions and education systems -
Solidarity in emergencies 19 October 2023 Morocco: Education unions working towards recovery in the provinces hit by the earthquake
The education unions of Morocco have started the work towards recovery from the 6,8-magnitude earthquake that left thousands dead or injured, including many teachers and students. The solidarity and generosity shown by EI members organisations across the world in response to the EI solidarity call have been heartily welcomed and...
Morocco: Education unions working towards recovery in the provinces hit by the earthquake -
Trade union rights are human rights 19 October 2023 Top Asia-Pacific education unionists advocate for increased investment in public education systems and educators, and call for gender equity, and sustainable, democratic and peaceful societies
The Education International Asia-Pacific (EIAP) Regional Committee called for a greater investment in public education and educators, more for gender equity within unions, urgent action on climate change and expressed solidarity with colleagues across the region and the world who are facing violations of their human and trade union rights.
Top Asia-Pacific education unionists advocate for increased investment in public education systems and educators, and call for gender equity, and sustainable, democratic and peaceful societies -
Democracy 17 October 2023 Türkiye: Education International demands an immediate halt to the attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria and Iraq
Education International (EI) called upon the Turkish authorities to immediately cease cross border airstrikes in Kurdish-controlled locations.
Türkiye: Education International demands an immediate halt to the attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria and Iraq -
Democracy 17 October 2023 France: Education International stands in solidarity with the education community following the murder of a teacher
Following the murder of a teacher in the town of Arras on 13 October 2023, Education International (EI) and the ETUCE have expressed their profound consternation and sent messages of solidarity to their affiliated organisations in France. This tragedy comes almost 3 years to the day after the death of...
France: Education International stands in solidarity with the education community following the murder of a teacher -
Leading the profession 16 October 2023 Portugal: Massive educators’ strike to demand respect for the profession and an end to government disregard of teachers
Following a joint call to action from their unions, Portuguese teachers and education support personnel went on strike on October 6th to urge their government to engage in social dialogue with their representatives organisations and discuss ways to recognise and value their professions.
Portugal: Massive educators’ strike to demand respect for the profession and an end to government disregard of teachers -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 October 2023 Mongolia: Federation of Mongolian Education and Science Unions demands investments in education and teachers
The demand of the Federation of Mongolian Education and Science Unions (FMESU) is clear: invest in teachers, invest in education.
Mongolia: Federation of Mongolian Education and Science Unions demands investments in education and teachers -
Leading the profession 13 October 2023 Morocco: unified status for public education workers is a positive step forward, but more is needed
The new unified status for Ministry of Education employees “responds to a number of demands, but our trade union movement has not achieved all its objectives”, said Mohamed Nouiga, Deputy General Secretary of Morocco’s SNE-FDT education union.
Morocco: unified status for public education workers is a positive step forward, but more is needed -
Trade union rights are human rights 13 October 2023 Iran: Education International denounces harassment of teachers at United Nations Human Rights Committee
Education International (EI) denounced the arbitrary detention and torture of teachers and students, particularly girls, in Iran, to the United Nations Human Rights Committee on October 9 in Geneva. As a signatory to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), Iran is obligated to uphold rights related to...
Iran: Education International denounces harassment of teachers at United Nations Human Rights Committee -
Leading the profession 12 October 2023 Japan: Union-led ongoing campaign to demand a reform of educators’ working conditions
The Japan Teachers' Union (JTU) has launched a campaign urging the government to ensure the well-being of teachers and education support personnel, improve their living and working conditions, and invest in educators and the public education system.
Japan: Union-led ongoing campaign to demand a reform of educators’ working conditions -
Equity and inclusion 12 October 2023 Palestine: Empowering women teachers
The General Union of Palestinian Teachers (GUPT) has put gender equity at the heart of union priorities, organising training sessions for women members around the theme “Women's and girls’ full participation in society: Are Palestinian women reaping the benefits of education in similar ways to the rest of the world?”
Palestine: Empowering women teachers -
Standards and working conditions 10 October 2023 Educator well-being in focus: International report reveals alarming challenges
A milestone report launched on World Mental Health Day, offers a comprehensive look at the health and well-being of education personnel worldwide.
Educator well-being in focus: International report reveals alarming challenges