

  1. Standards and working conditions 9 March 2023

    Mexico: together we school

    Job security has become one of the main achievements of the SNTE education workers union in Mexico. Thanks to the permanent programme for granting tenure to teachers agreed on with the federal government over 800,000 teaching positions have been regularised throughout the country in recent months.

    Mexico: together we school
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 8 March 2023

    Central African Republic: the government must respect the right to strike and respond to union demands through dialogue

    Education International condemns the threats against the leaders of the Central African education unions who have filed a strike notice via a union platform. Threats were also made against non-unionised teachers who joined this action. It urges the competent authorities to engage in negotiations to provide real answers to the...

    Central African Republic: the government must respect the right to strike and respond to union demands through dialogue
  3. Equity and inclusion 7 March 2023

    Teachers raise their voice for gender-responsive and empowering public education at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women

    The sixty-seventh Session of the Commission on the Status of Women takes place at the United Nations Headquarters, in New York, from 6 to 17 March 2023. The Education International delegation is there to call on all governments to Go Public and Fund Education , so that all women and...

    Teachers raise their voice for gender-responsive and empowering public education at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
  4. Union renewal and development 27 February 2023

    European unions’ solidarity brings progress on social and policy dialogue, gender equity and union renewal

    Development cooperation (DC) partners of the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) – Education International’s European Region – met for a DC Café online and discussed activities related to social and policy dialogue, gender equity and union renewal.

    European unions’ solidarity brings progress on social and policy dialogue, gender equity and union renewal
  5. Democracy 24 February 2023

    One year of solidarity with our colleagues, students, and all people of Ukraine

    Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, Education International launched an urgent action appeal calling on all member organisations to stand with and support our colleagues in Ukraine. Education unions from across the world responded. One year on, our solidarity is unwavering.

    One year of solidarity with our colleagues, students, and all people of Ukraine
  6. Union renewal and development 24 February 2023

    Türkiye: Solidarity is in unions’ DNA

    In the aftermath of the devastating earthquake and strong aftershocks that hit Southern Türkiye and Northern Syria on 6th February 2023, Education International (EI) has launched an urgent action appeal to respond to the impacts of this disaster and support its Turkish affiliate Eğitim Sen in its efforts to help...

    Türkiye: Solidarity is in unions’ DNA
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 23 February 2023

    Malawi: Education union action rescues children from forced labour and keeps them in schools

    Education International member organisations in Malawi, the Teachers' Union of Malawi (TUM) and the Private Schools Employees Union of Malawi (PSEUM), were able to bring over 1,000 children back to school and prevent 1,200 others from dropping out.

    Malawi: Education union action rescues children from forced labour and keeps them in schools
  8. Democracy 17 February 2023

    Eswatini: Murders and harassment of trade union leaders must cease immediately!

    Education International denounces the continuous attacks on trade union leaders in Eswatini and condemns the targeting of Mbongwa Dlamini, President of the Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT), a member organisation of Education International.

    Eswatini: Murders and harassment of trade union leaders must cease immediately!
  9. Union renewal and development 17 February 2023

    Development cooperation backs up Arab education unions’ actions for democracy, gender equality and quality education

    Many development cooperation (DC) partners participated in the Education International (EI) Café at the EI Arab Countries Cross-Regional Structure (ACCRS). They received information on recent challenges and progress of education unions in the region.

    Development cooperation backs up Arab education unions’ actions for democracy, gender equality and quality education
  10. Standards and working conditions 16 February 2023

    India: International union solidarity crucial to educators’ professional development

    The All India Primary Teachers’ Federation (AIPTF) has organised a capacity building programme aimed at creating a pool of resource persons who would provide professional development training to the members of its affiliate, the Kerala Pradesh School Teachers Association (KPSTA).

    India: International union solidarity crucial to educators’ professional development
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 16 February 2023

    Philippines: Educators submit recommendations to ILO to ensure the protection of trade union rights

    Education International (EI) has welcomed the recent International Labour Organization High Level Tripartite Mission (ILO HLTM) to the Philippines. This mission is the result of longstanding advocacy by human and trade union activists in this country, and EI national member organisations – the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT), the Federation...

    Philippines: Educators submit recommendations to ILO to ensure the protection of trade union rights
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 13 February 2023

    Social and policy dialogue, a key to union renewal?

    Education International member organisation Union of Education Norway is exploring new ways of structuring development cooperation (DC) projects and ensuring that the educators’ voice is heard when decisions are made concerning educational issues and the teaching profession.

    Social and policy dialogue, a key to union renewal?
  13. Fighting the commercialisation of education 9 February 2023

    Uruguay: Trade unions denounce espionage of teachers and students

    Fenapes, an education union affiliated to Education International, has denounced the practice of spying on union members and school pupils, as revealed by an investigative journalism report.

    Uruguay: Trade unions denounce espionage of teachers and students
  14. News 9 February 2023

    Education International stands in solidarity with communities devastated by the earthquake in Syria and Türkiye

    As the death toll rises beyond 22,000 with tens of thousands injured after a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck Türkiye and Syria on 6 February, Education International has issued an urgent action appeal calling member organisations to show solidarity and financial support to education unions engaged in relief actions on the...

    Education International stands in solidarity with communities devastated by the earthquake in Syria and Türkiye
  15. Standards and working conditions 9 February 2023

    Educators united to fully fund public education

    David Edwards, General Secretary of Education International, raised the alarm on the growing global teacher shortage and called for increased public education funding in his speech at the launch event of Education International's new global campaign, Go Public! Fund Education.

    Educators united to fully fund public education