

  1. Leading the profession 20 December 2022

    Arab educators ready to transform their unions to transform education

    At the 6th Biennial Conference of the Education International's Arab Countries Cross-Regional Structure (EI ACCRS), around 80 education unionists representing 28 organisations in 18 countries debated on "Transforming unions to transform education - Where are we? What role for education unions? What’s next?".

    Arab educators ready to transform their unions to transform education
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 19 December 2022

    Ethiopia: Education union’s plea for peace

    During the Tigray war in Northern Ethiopia, the Ethiopian Teachers Association (ETA) condemned the damage and disruption inflicted on students, teachers and the education system. They called on relevant public authorities to put an immediate halt to the armed conflict, and highlighted the role of peace education in bringing about...

    Ethiopia: Education union’s plea for peace
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 6 December 2022

    France: State education staff called to the ballot box for the social dialogue elections

    French education unions are currently campaigning for their social dialogue elections. The 1.4 million voters in the Ministry of National Education and Youth, the Ministry of Sports and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research are invited to vote by internet from 1 to 8 December 2022.

    France: State education staff called to the ballot box for the social dialogue elections
  4. Climate action and literacy 30 November 2022

    COP 27 is another cop out – but education unions continue to build the change our planet needs

    As the 27th United Nations climate change conference (COP) came to a close, it was clear that the global political community had, once again, failed. Despite unequivocal scientific evidence that human-induced climate change is causing widespread losses and greenhouse gas emission must rapidly decline, the conference did not agree to...

    COP 27 is another cop out – but education unions continue to build the change our planet needs
  5. Leading the profession 24 November 2022

    Haiti: strengthening trade unionism in times of crisis

    Thanks to considerable effort, the use of new technologies and international support, the education workers’ union, the Union nationale des normaliens/normaliennes et éducateurs/éducatrices d’Haïti (UNNOEH), was able to hold its 4th National Congress as a hybrid event and reaffirmed its determination to fight for quality public education for all in...

    Haiti: strengthening trade unionism in times of crisis
  6. Early childhood education 22 November 2022

    Global push for quality early childhood education

    An active delegation of Education International (EI) and member organisations' representatives participated in the UNESCO World Conference on Early Childhood and Care Education (ECCE), where it underlined the need to “reaffirm the right of every young child to quality care and education from birth” and urged governments to renew their...

    Global push for quality early childhood education
  7. Leading the profession 21 November 2022

    Global education union leaders call for investment in education and renew their call to international solidarity

    For the first time in 3 years, the Education International’s Executive Board (ExBo) met in person to take stock of the state of education, highlight the work of EI on behalf of members, and recommit to solidarity with teachers and unionists around the world.

    Global education union leaders call for investment in education and renew their call to international solidarity
  8. Leading the profession 21 November 2022

    Burundi: trade union development tools developed through international trade union cooperation

    Thanks to a cooperation programme with the Danish Union of Teachers (DLF) of Denmark, the Syndicat des travailleurs de l’enseignement du Burundi (STEB) has produced booklets that cover all the questions frequently asked by teachers at the grassroots level. The booklets are a Training Manual and a Handbook for Trade...

    Burundi: trade union development tools developed through international trade union cooperation
  9. Equity and inclusion 7 November 2022

    France: Discussing inclusion among all educational professions, across all territories. It can be done!

    As part of the second annual meeting of education professionals organised by the Union Nationale des Syndicats Autonomes-Éducation (UNSA Education), 30 meetings in all regions and overseas territories will bring together more than 1,000 French educators on 15 November to discuss the question: “Inclusive society: what about education?”

    France: Discussing inclusion among all educational professions, across all territories. It can be done!
  10. Climate action and literacy 4 November 2022

    Join us! Teach for the Planet at COP27

    The 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) is taking place in Egypt, from November 6th to the 18th. Education International will bring the Teach for the Planet campaign to COP27 to advocate for climate justice, quality climate education for all students, and a just transition for all workers.

    Join us! Teach for the Planet at COP27
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 4 November 2022

    Canada: Attacks on Ontarian educators’ trade union rights unleashes wave of solidarity

    Education unions in Canada and the world over have shown support for Ontario’s workers and unionists firmly opposed to a bill imposed by the provincial government that threatens school support staff with fines of C$4,000 (€3,000) a day for striking.

    Canada: Attacks on Ontarian educators’ trade union rights unleashes wave of solidarity
  12. Climate action and literacy 4 November 2022

    COP27 event | Educators on a heating planet: Ensuring a just transition in the education sector

    November 10 | 11:00 - 12:00 noon EET

    The climate crisis can be felt in the education sector in the here and now. Educators’ work and lives are being impacted by climate change in countries across the world. To ensure the right to quality education for all students and the right to decent work for all educators in...

    COP27 event | Educators on a heating planet: Ensuring a just transition in the education sector
  13. Climate action and literacy 4 November 2022

    COP27 event | Quality climate change education for all: What is it and how do we achieve it?

    November 9 | 17:00 to 18:00 EET

    The world needs quality climate education for all. But what defines “quality” when it comes to climate change education? What does it look, sound, and feel like in the classroom and in communities? What impact does it have? And what steps do we have to take to make it a...

    COP27 event | Quality climate change education for all: What is it and how do we achieve it?
  14. News 4 November 2022

    Hungary: Civil society movement demands change in the education system

    Education International is in full solidarity with its Hungarian member organisations engaged in a long-standing industrial action with strong public support, urging authorities to meet their ongoing demands to improve educators’ working and living conditions.

    Hungary: Civil society movement demands change in the education system
  15. Fighting the commercialisation of education 4 November 2022

    From research to global action for quality public education

    Education International brought together over 100 leading researchers from education unions across the globe to explore how research can underpin union action for quality education.

    From research to global action for quality public education
  16. News 4 November 2022

    Morocco: New more rewarding, unified status for higher education staff

    Education International congratulates the Syndicat national de l'enseignement supérieur (SNESUP) for reaching a landmark agreement with the Moroccan government, approving amendments that make the status of research teachers more attractive and increase their salaries.

    Morocco: New more rewarding, unified status for higher education staff
  17. Together we build union power 27 October 2022

    Successful trade union cooperation between German and Hungarian unions

    The German Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) and the Teachers' Democratic Union of Hungary (PDSZ) have engaged in development cooperation activities. These mutual exchanges strengthen the unions and contribute to union renewal.

    Successful trade union cooperation between German and Hungarian unions