

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 8 June 2023

    The voice of teachers rings out at the 111th International Labour Conference

    Education International (EI) is the voice of teachers and education support personnel worldwide. As such, EI advocates for quality education for all, social justice, democracy, and professional rights and freedoms. From 5 to 16 June 2023, an Education International delegation is in Geneva to represent teachers everywhere at the 111th...

    The voice of teachers rings out at the 111th International Labour Conference
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 8 June 2023

    Morocco: Trade unions focus on raising the status of teachers and reforming the education system

    The SNE-CDT (Syndicat National de l’Enseignement-Confédération Démocratique du Travail) has been negotiating for several years with the government to improve the living and working conditions of Moroccan education staff, and to secure a comprehensive reform of the country’s education system, to put an end to the ongoing inequalities in the...

    Morocco: Trade unions focus on raising the status of teachers and reforming the education system
  3. Solidarity in emergencies 7 June 2023

    Madagascar: trade union solidarity with teachers affected by natural disasters

    The Fédération Chrétienne des Enseignants et Employés de l’Éducation (FEKRIMPAMA) has spared no effort in distributing financial resources from the Education International (EI) solidarity fund to its affiliates most severely affected by cyclones Cheneso and Freddy .

    Madagascar: trade union solidarity with teachers affected by natural disasters
  4. Solidarity in emergencies 6 June 2023

    Education International stands with Ukraine: Union leaders in Kyiv meet colleagues and show solidarity

    On May 8 to 11, an Education International delegation visited Ukraine’s capital to deliver a strong message of solidarity and meet with colleagues from the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine (TUESWU), EI member organisation in the country. The delegation also met with the Minister of Education...

    Education International stands with Ukraine: Union leaders in Kyiv meet colleagues and show solidarity
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 2 June 2023

    Korean teachers’ call for quality education, trade union rights, and democracy met with intimidation

    On May 20th, the Korean Teachers and Education Workers Union (KTU) held its National Teacher's Congress at Cheonggye Plaza in Seoul. The congress celebrated the 34th anniversary of the KTU and challenged the Yoon Seokyeol administration's regressive education policies. The government responded with a search and seizure at the union’s...

    Korean teachers’ call for quality education, trade union rights, and democracy met with intimidation
  6. Leading the profession 25 May 2023

    France: education unions’ resounding NO to the ‘Teacher Pact’ and the pensions law

    Education International is supporting education unions in their joint call for teachers to mobilise in massive numbers to show their opposition to the ‘Schools Pact’ and to demand the repeal of the pensions law in France.

    France: education unions’ resounding NO to the ‘Teacher Pact’ and the pensions law
  7. Fighting the commercialisation of education 22 May 2023

    Romania: educators' wages must be increased

    Unhappy with their wages, which they consider humiliating, Romanian educators have mobilised for an indefinite all-out strike to demand better pay for their work and recognition of its social importance.

    Romania: educators' wages must be increased
  8. Standards and working conditions 19 May 2023

    From Aveiro to the world: “Go Public: Fund Education Support Personnel”

    Over 70 participants to the 2nd Education International (EI) Education Support Personnel (ESP) Conference, held from 17th-18th May in Aveiro, Portugal, adopted a strong statement urging governments to increase funding in education systems and to invest in trained and qualified education support personnel that have good working conditions, to ensure...

    From Aveiro to the world: “Go Public: Fund Education Support Personnel”
  9. Leading the profession 13 May 2023

    The T3LFA project continues in Malaysia with a welcome and briefing session

    Following a successful briefing session and refresher course for facilitators in mid-April, the Teacher-led Learning Circles for Formative Assessment (T3LFA) project in Malaysia continues to progress, with the first learning circles having successfully taken place on the 13th of May 2023.

    The T3LFA project continues in Malaysia with a welcome and briefing session
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 May 2023

    Romania: Public authorities must finance education now!

    Around 20,000 education unionists, educators, and concerned citizens protested on May 10th in the Romanian capital city of Bucharest to demand increased investment in education, joining the Education International (EI) “Go Public! Fund Education” campaign.

    Romania: Public authorities must finance education now!
  11. Standards and working conditions 7 May 2023

    Global survey: education unions called to share insights on the status of teachers and the teaching profession

    Education International’s (EI) General Secretary, David Edwards, has called on all member organisations to complete the survey on the Global Status of Teachers and the Teaching Profession, which will serve as the basis for EI’s flagship report on the status of teachers and education workers worldwide, to be launched at...

    Global survey: education unions called to share insights on the status of teachers and the teaching profession
  12. Equity and inclusion 4 May 2023

    Ivory Coast: Teachers mobilise communities to end child labour

    In the rural region of Soubré, Côte d'Ivoire, teachers play a key role in the fight against child labour. Thanks to the training provided by the SYNADEEPCI union in partnership with Education International, UNICEF, and Save the Children, education professionals have learned to distinguish between work that is socialising and...

    Ivory Coast: Teachers mobilise communities to end child labour
  13. Leading the profession 4 May 2023

    Education International honours the memory of education champion Perianan Ramanathan

    Education International is saddened by the passing of Perianan Ramanathan on 30 April. Former President of Malaysia’s National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP), Ramanathan played a vital role in the creation of Education International and the global education union movement.

    Education International honours the memory of education champion Perianan Ramanathan
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 May 2023

    Education unions and governments come together at Summit to strengthen the teaching profession

    The 2023 International Summit on the Teaching Profession concluded in Washington last week, providing what EI General Secretary David Edwards called “a policy beacon and safe harbor for ideas to be exchanged and debated” on critical global education issues.

    Education unions and governments come together at Summit to strengthen the teaching profession
  15. Leading the profession 25 April 2023

    Summit to focus on key global education issues at EI 30th anniversary

    The 13th annual International Summit on the Teaching Profession convened in Washington, DC on April 25th, amid growing concerns over the teacher shortage crisis, shrinking education budgets, and continuing changes in education technology.

    Summit to focus on key global education issues at EI 30th anniversary
  16. Standards and working conditions 25 April 2023

    The Gambia: Development cooperation supports teacher union’s co-operative credit union

    The successful partnership between the Gambia Teachers Union Co-Operative Credit Union (GTUCCU) and the Comhar Linn INTO Credit Union of Ireland has positively impacted the lives of teachers and their families in The Gambia. GTUCCU currently has over 30,000 members who use a variety of financial services, including savings and...

    The Gambia: Development cooperation supports teacher union’s co-operative credit union