

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 October 2009

    EI urges increased funding for Vocational Education and Training

    Now, more than ever, governments should be investing in Vocational Education and Training (VET) as part of a constructive response to the global economic crisis, not cutting back on opportunities to train young people, up-skill the current work force, and encourage lifelong learning across society.

    EI urges increased funding for Vocational Education and Training
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 22 October 2009

    Fiji authorities further infringe trade union rights of teacher association

    Tevita Koroi, President of Fijian Teachers Association, has been officially informed by the Ministry of Education that he will no longer be accepted as the representative of the FTA at major institutional education forums.

    Fiji authorities further infringe trade union rights of teacher association
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 22 October 2009

    Iranian government continues persecuting son of teacher trade unionists

    Sajad Khaksari, the son of two of Iran’s leading teacher trade unionists, remains in prison in Tehran even though he has been acquitted on all three charges against him.

    Iranian government continues persecuting son of teacher trade unionists
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 October 2009

    Stand up against poverty!

    Education International is once again joining with the Global Call to Action against Poverty and the United Nations Millennium Campaign in supporting the annual Stand Up and Take Action against Poverty campaign.

    Stand up against poverty!
  5. Equity and inclusion 13 October 2009

    Child labour in Central Asia is a growing concern

    Education International and its member organisations around the world are committed to eradicating child labour wherever it occurs.

    Child labour in Central Asia is a growing concern
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 10 October 2009

    Education International against the death penalty: Teach abolition!

    10 October is the World Day Against the Death Penalty. This year, actions and initiatives across the globe focus on “Teaching abolition.” Education International supports these activities and joins other unions, NGOs and individuals in their fight for the abolition of the death penalty.

    Education International against the death penalty: Teach abolition!
  7. Standards and working conditions 9 October 2009

    EI's triennial report to the CEART: "Stop hurting the teaching profession"

    Global teacher shortage, the increasing casualisation of the teaching profession and the rise in violence against teachers are three major phenomena that require immediate action from global bodies. That is the main message of Education International's recently-published triennial report to the Joint ILO-UNESCO Expert Committee on the Application of the...

    EI's triennial report to the CEART: "Stop hurting the teaching profession"
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 October 2009

    African teachers call upon their governments to invest in early childhood education

    Representatives of EI member organisations meeting in Accra last week called upon their governments to invest in early childhood education. This call was made at a seminar organised by Education International in Accra, Ghana, from 29 -30 September.

    African teachers call upon their governments to invest in early childhood education
  9. Standards and working conditions 6 October 2009

    On 5 October teachers organise for quality education

    “Build the Future: Invest in Teachers Now!” That was the resounding message from teachers around the world as they lobbied and marched and celebrated their international day, despite the global economic crisis threatening education and other key public services.

    On 5 October teachers organise for quality education
  10. Union growth 6 October 2009

    EI supports ILO mission's denouncement of labour rights abuses in the Philippines

    EI supports the results of the high-level fact-finding mission of the International Labour Organization (ILO) to the Philippines, which asked the government to categorically denounce the killings of workers and the rampant violations of trade union rights.

    EI supports ILO mission's denouncement of labour rights abuses in the Philippines
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 October 2009

    World Teachers’ Day: "Build the future: Invest in teachers now!"

    In the face of the global economic crisis, it is vitally important that governments invest significantly in public education, making it a cornerstone of economic recovery plans. Education International, the global union federation representing 30 million teachers around the world, is appealing to the international community to take urgent action...

    World Teachers’ Day: "Build the future: Invest in teachers now!"
  12. Leading the profession 1 October 2009

    EI General Secretary at the 6th Asia-Pacific conference: a coherent combination of global strategy and local actions is needed to reduce the impact of the crisis

    Education International’s sixth Asia-Pacific Regional Conference finished today in Bangkok after three days of debates on a variety of problems confronting the teaching profession in the organisation’s largest region.

    EI General Secretary at the 6th Asia-Pacific conference: a coherent combination of global strategy and local actions is needed to reduce the impact of the crisis
  13. Leading the profession 30 September 2009

    G20 stresses quality jobs for recovery, but conveys narrow vision of education

    Education International welcomes the commitments made in Pittsburgh to put “quality jobs at the heart of the recovery” and “to strengthen support for the most vulnerable.” G20 announcements of more coordinated measures for recovery and growth, stronger financial regulation, and a role for the ILO all go in the right...

    G20 stresses quality jobs for recovery, but conveys narrow vision of education
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 25 September 2009

    Another teacher killed in post-coup violence

    Teachers and trade unionists across Latin America have issued a strong denunciation of the violence and murders that have taken place since the military coup in Honduras, and call for the restitution of the country's legitimate president.

    Another teacher killed in post-coup violence