

  1. Standards and working conditions 17 November 2021

    UK: Overworked higher education staff back industrial action

    University and College Union (UCU) members working in UK universities have backed strike action in a ballot over cuts to pensions. This comes in light of a recent report which revealed a mental health crisis and one in five university staff working the equivalent of two extra days per week.

    UK: Overworked higher education staff back industrial action
  2. Climate action and literacy 16 November 2021

    Taiwan: Climate literacy at heart of teacher union’s activities

    The National Teachers’ Association (NTA) of Taiwan seized the occasion of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) to reaffirm its commitment to see climate change education (CCE) inserted in curricula at all education levels. COP26 was held in Glasgow from 31 October-12 November.

    Taiwan: Climate literacy at heart of teacher union’s activities
  3. Leading the profession 16 November 2021

    Japan: Educators pay tribute to colleagues and students lost to the COVID-19 pandemic

    On 24 October, the Japan Teachers’ Union (JTU) held a tribute ceremony at the Education Tower in the Osaka Castle Park to pay homage to educators and children who have lost their lives. This year, a special focus was placed on educators and students who died as a result of...

    Japan: Educators pay tribute to colleagues and students lost to the COVID-19 pandemic
  4. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 November 2021

    Nepal: Educators reaffirm the need for just and progressive taxation to increase public financing of education

    The need to fund education through public funding and the importance of progressive taxation to increase public resources were at the heart of a recent capacity building workshop on tax justice and education funding in Nepal. The workshop was organised by the Education International Asia-Pacific (EIAP) office for member organisations...

    Nepal: Educators reaffirm the need for just and progressive taxation to increase public financing of education
  5. Climate action and literacy 10 November 2021

    Education is now on the agenda at COP 26, but there is more work to be done

    Education International (EI), has brought the voice of teachers to the COP2 conference in Glasgow to ensure that education is not overlooked as a necessary component in tackling the climate crisis.

    Education is now on the agenda at COP 26, but there is more work to be done
  6. Climate action and literacy 5 November 2021

    COP26 event | Teaching for climate action: Schools shaping the future

    Event co-organised by the OECD, Education International, and UNESCO

    The education sector has a unique role to play in building a greener twenty-first century. The OECD, Education International, and UNESCO have launched a joint initiative to gather teaching expertise on what makes a difference in empowering students for climate action.

    COP26 event | Teaching for climate action: Schools shaping the future
  7. Climate action and literacy 5 November 2021

    COP26 event | Roundtable: Why climate literacy and civic skill building will solve the climate crisis – Answers from civil society, educators, and governments

    The discussion highlights EARTHDAY.ORG’s Climate and Environmental Literacy Campaign and its mission to ensure every school worldwide has integrated, assessed climate and environmental education with a strong education component.

    COP26 event | Roundtable: Why climate literacy and civic skill building will solve the climate crisis – Answers from civil society, educators, and governments
  8. Climate action and literacy 5 November 2021

    COP 26 dispatch: Net-zero, carbon markets and quality climate education

    Alanah Torralba

    Activists and the private sector are clashing over ‘net zero’ and carbon markets at COP 26 in Glasgow, Scotland. At the crucial climate talks, activists such as Greta Thunberg slammed the recent announcement of UN finance ambassador Mark Carney that more than 450 financial institutions under the banner Glasgow Financial...

    COP 26 dispatch: Net-zero, carbon markets and quality climate education
  9. Climate action and literacy 4 November 2021

    COP26 event | Education in climate policies: Are countries making the grade?

    Which countries are prioritising quality climate education for all? Education International launches ground-breaking research on national commitments to climate change education at COP26 in Glasgow.

    COP26 event | Education in climate policies: Are countries making the grade?
  10. Climate action and literacy 4 November 2021

    COP26 dispatch: Global leaders meet at COP26 as the world demands urgent climate action

    Alanah Torralba

    COP 26, slated as the most important climate summit since the Paris Agreement was forged in 2015, kicked off in Glasgow, Scotland last Monday with a series of statements from high-level actors, ranging from heads of state, business leaders, activists, and prominent media personalities.

    COP26 dispatch: Global leaders meet at COP26 as the world demands urgent climate action
  11. Climate action and literacy 3 November 2021

    COP26 | Climate Action Day

    Climate Action Day is a live, online event produced by Take Action Global, that serves as the culminating celebration of the Climate Action Project, a six-week initiative involving 2.7 million people across 145 countries.

    COP26 | Climate Action Day
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 2 November 2021

    Forging global solidarity to safeguard rights

    The 58th meeting of Education International’s Executive Board (ExBo), held virtually on 26 October, was marked by a solid commitment to vaccine equity from education unions around the world. Access to COVID-19 vaccines for teachers and education support personnel globally is essential for a safe and permanent return to onsite...

    Forging global solidarity to safeguard rights
  13. Leading the profession 2 November 2021

    African education unionists gear up for climate justice

    The significant role of education and educators in climate change was highlighted by education unions in the African region recently.

    African education unionists gear up for climate justice
  14. Climate action and literacy 29 October 2021

    Educators call on world leaders at COP26 to ensure quality climate education for all

    World leaders are meeting in Glasgow, Scotland from 31 October to 12 November for the UN Climate Conference (COP26). As they decide the way forward in the fight against climate change, the educators of the world call on them to prioritise education in their climate strategies and ensure climate literacy...

    Educators call on world leaders at COP26 to ensure quality climate education for all
  15. Democracy 28 October 2021

    Eswatini: Education International and ITUC condemn the brutal attacks on educators and civilians

    Education International (EI) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) emphatically denounce the attacks and recent violence perpetrated by the police against teachers and other public sector workers in Eswatini. We strongly condemn the disproportionate use of force against peaceful protesters, which has caused in scores of injuries and the...

    Eswatini: Education International and ITUC condemn the brutal attacks on educators and civilians
  16. Union renewal and development 27 October 2021

    Niger: Climate change education is a trade union priority

    Faced with the advance of the desert and increasing floods, teacher unionists in Niger have drafted a Guide to Educational Activities on Climate Change, as well as a Manual for the Study Circles of Niger, which includes the climate issue. The Syndicat National des Enseignants du Niger (SNEN) was one...

    Niger: Climate change education is a trade union priority
  17. Union renewal and development 27 October 2021

    Solidarity in times of crisis: the EI COVID Response Fund

    As the COVID-19 pandemic became global, education unions showed solidarity with a dedicated COVID Response Fund to support member organisations during school closures and where teachers were hit by the health crisis.

    Solidarity in times of crisis: the EI COVID Response Fund