

  1. Equity and inclusion 6 July 2022

    EI’s 4th World Women’s Conference rallies the power of women for change

    A record number of women education unionists came together online for the 4th Education International World Women’s Conference held from the 13 to 16th of June. Bringing together a profession largely dominated by women in many parts of the world, the Conference focused on mobilising and using women’s power for...

    EI’s 4th World Women’s Conference rallies the power of women for change
  2. Fighting the commercialisation of education 5 July 2022

    Nigeria: Teachers call for more investment in public education to combat growing privatisation

    The national president of the Nigeria Union of Teachers (NUT), Audu Titus Amba, expressed concerns over the proliferation of unregulated private schools in Nigeria. These schools, with the sole aim of making profit, are detrimental to the achievement of quality education for all.

    Nigeria: Teachers call for more investment in public education to combat growing privatisation
  3. Leading the profession 1 July 2022

    European trade unionists mobilise for quality public education, for the benefit of students, and improved status for teachers and education personnel

    The Special Conference of the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE), the European region of Education International, to be held from 5-6 July, in Liège, Belgium, will provide an excellent opportunity for ETUCE affiliates’ representatives to meet in person again and strengthen the bonds of solidarity between teachers and...

    European trade unionists mobilise for quality public education, for the benefit of students, and improved status for teachers and education personnel
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 27 June 2022

    Education International calls for a new deal for teachers at the Transforming Education Pre-Summit

    Educators’ insights on progress, challenges, and strategies for the future of education will all feature in Education International’s contribution to UNESCO’s Transforming Education Pre‐Summit, taking place from 28-30 June in Paris, France.

    Education International calls for a new deal for teachers at the Transforming Education Pre-Summit
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 17 June 2022

    Afghanistan: International solidarity to face human and education rights violations

    International solidarity was reaffirmed at a webinar on Protecting the Right to Education of Girls in Afghanistan organised by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and Unite the Union. Participants took stock of the educational and trade union situation in the country.

    Afghanistan: International solidarity to face human and education rights violations
  6. Standards and working conditions 17 June 2022

    Israel: Union takes strike action to demand better working conditions to avoid losing more teachers

    The Israel Teachers’ Union (ITU) has been engaging recently in rolling strikes across the country to demand decent working conditions and a fair wage agreement reflecting the importance, significance, and complexity of working as an educator in these challenging times.

    Israel: Union takes strike action to demand better working conditions to avoid losing more teachers
  7. Standards and working conditions 15 June 2022

    Education International reaffirms the crucial role of social dialogue for quality education systems

    In her address to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), Education International Deputy General Secretary Haldis Holst stressed the need for social dialogue to establish education policies and ensure decent working conditions of all education personnel.

    Education International reaffirms the crucial role of social dialogue for quality education systems
  8. Equity and inclusion 13 June 2022

    Using women’s power for change: Education unionists come together for the 4th Education International World Women’s Conference

    From 13 to 16 June, record numbers of women education unionists from around the world are coming together online for the 4th Education International World Women’s Conference. Under the theme, “Using Women’s Power for Change”, the Conference is a festival of ideas, experiences, and strategies to advance gender equality in...

    Using women’s power for change: Education unionists come together for the 4th Education International World Women’s Conference
  9. Union renewal and development 12 June 2022

    Solidarity sparks union renewal programme in Asia-Pacific

    Thanks to the support of the Australian Education Union (AEU), the Education International’s Asia-Pacific (EIAP) regional office/Council of Pacific Education (COPE) was able to organise a strategic planning meeting on trade union renewal for members of the Fiji Teachers’ Union and the Fijian Teachers’ Association.

    Solidarity sparks union renewal programme in Asia-Pacific
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 9 June 2022

    Afghanistan: Union ensures the distribution of allowances to unpaid teachers

    The National Teachers Elected Council (NTEC) has played a key role in ensuring that UNICEF’s badly needed emergency funds reach teachers across Afghanistan and advocating for secondary girls access to education be reinstated.

    Afghanistan: Union ensures the distribution of allowances to unpaid teachers
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 June 2022

    Attacks on education increased worldwide during pandemic

    Education International is deeply saddened after the release of the latest report published by the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA) indicating that over 9,000 students, teachers, and academics were harmed, injured, or killed in attacks on education during armed conflict over the past two years. It reiterates...

    Attacks on education increased worldwide during pandemic
  12. Leading the profession 25 May 2022

    United States: Teachers demand immediate action on guns, as 21 are killed in elementary school shooting

    Educators around the world stand in solidarity and grieve with the students, teachers, school staff, parents, and the entire community of Uvalde, Texas – the scene of yet another school shooting that has taken the lives of 19 children and 2 teachers in the United States.

    United States: Teachers demand immediate action on guns, as 21 are killed in elementary school shooting
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 25 May 2022

    Afghanistan: As the Taliban regime undermines education, peace and human rights, Education International and its member organisations step up their actions

    Education International’s Afghanistan Teachers’ Rights Observatory (ATRO) , to be launched in September 2022, is the latest in a series of strong actions undertaken demonstrating the global education community’s solidarity with Afghan educators and populations, who are undergoing great hardship under the rule of the Taliban.

    Afghanistan: As the Taliban regime undermines education, peace and human rights, Education International and its member organisations step up their actions
  14. Equity and inclusion 23 May 2022

    Rabat Declaration underlines the need for international standards to bring all political abuses of religions to a halt

    The participants in the Rabat Global Conference held in Morocco’s capital city from May 11-12 adopted the Declaration reasserting the need to coordinate efforts to build global consensus on setting international rules to eliminate the use of religion in violating human rights. They called on the international community and all...

    Rabat Declaration underlines the need for international standards to bring all political abuses of religions to a halt
  15. Leading the profession 19 May 2022

    Technology in education: Strengthening the leadership of the teaching profession

    A major area of interest before the pandemic, the use of technology in education has become a key priority for Education International in the context of the sudden and large-scale expansion of technology in the sector as a result of Covid-induced lockdowns. EI’s work in this area includes the development...

    Technology in education: Strengthening the leadership of the teaching profession
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 May 2022

    Global conference: Education is the key tool to end child labour

    Education International and its member organisations underlined the importance of educators and their unions to eradicate child labour during the 5th Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour held in Durban, South Africa, from 15-20 May. They also highlighted the need to provide teachers with training, and to ensure...

    Global conference: Education is the key tool to end child labour