

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 1 February 2008

    Global Campaign for Education Congress concerned at lack of progress on Education For All

    The Global Campaign for Education’s Congress was held in Sao Paulo, Brazil from 22-24 January, and attended by 300 participants. The opening ceremony was addressed by Luiz Dulci, Brazil's Minister for General Secretary of the Presidency, by Vernor Muñoz, the UN Special Rapporteur on Education Rights, and by a representative...

    Global Campaign for Education Congress concerned at lack of progress on Education For All
  2. Union renewal and development 28 January 2008

    South African teachers mourn loss

    The South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (SADTU) is grieving the sudden death of Don Pasquallie, the union's Deputy General Secretary. Pasquallie died in a car accident in Napier, in the Western Cape, early in the morning of 27 January. Four other passengers in the same car died with him, including...

    South African teachers mourn loss
  3. Union renewal and development 26 January 2008

    EI’s 15th Anniversary

    For 15 years now, teachers around the world have been united in solidarity under Education International’s flag. On 26 January 1993, approximately 1,000 delegates from theWorld Confederation of Organisations of the Teaching Profession(WCOTP) and theInternational Federation of Free Teachers Unions(IFFTU) gathered in Stockholm, Sweden, to merge these two rival teacher...

    EI’s 15th Anniversary
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 21 January 2008

    World AIDS Day: Teachers share experiences of One Hour on AIDS

    In 2007 EI and its affiliates launched a brand new initiative called ‘One Hour on AIDS’ which affords teachers the opportunity to bring the World AIDS Day campaign into the classrooms. As a result, World AIDS Day 2007 saw teachers and children in schools around the world benefiting from a...

    World AIDS Day: Teachers share experiences of One Hour on AIDS
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 21 January 2008

    Ghana, Benin and Burundi: Teacher Unions Make Progress on Training

    EI works with the WHO on a programme dealing with HIV/AIDS prevention and related risky behaviours in schools in Ghana, Benin and Burundi. An EI workshop recently brought teacher unions from these countries together to assess the progress made over the last year and to learn about new EI training...

    Ghana, Benin and Burundi: Teacher Unions Make Progress on Training
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 21 January 2008

    Gabon: HIV/AIDS prevention included in school curriculum

    Last October the National AIDS Committee situated within the Gabonese Ministry of Education (Colusimen) met to develop a harmonised curriculum on HIV/AIDS education. EI welcomes the decision of the Gabonese Government to include HIV/AIDS in the school curriculum.

    Gabon: HIV/AIDS prevention included in school curriculum
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 21 January 2008

    Uganda: Report published on Impact of HIV/AIDS on Education and Teachers

    Last year UNATU commissioned a study entitled 'The impact of HIV/AIDS on Education and Teachers in Uganda' to gather baseline information that will guide the planning and implementation of the EFAIDS programme. The study, which has just been published, provides a valuable analysis of the situation in Uganda.

    Uganda: Report published on Impact of HIV/AIDS on Education and Teachers
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 21 January 2008

    Nepal: two new unions join EFAIDS Programme

    Education International would like to welcome two new unions to the EFAIDS Programme. As of this month, the NNTA (Nepal National Teachers’ Association) and NTA (Nepal Teachers’ Association) will be joining forces to work on EFAIDS. Both unions take the view that this cooperation will serve to greatly further their...

    Nepal: two new unions join EFAIDS Programme
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 21 January 2008

    Brazil: CNTE joins EI in the fight against HIV/AIDS and STDs

    Last October CNTE/Brazil joined the EFAIDS Programme. The union kicked off their programme activities with a national level seminar on STDs and AIDS, which took place in Brasilia from October 2-4.

    Brazil: CNTE joins EI in the fight against HIV/AIDS and STDs
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 21 January 2008

    Mexico: International AIDS Conference, August 3-8, 2008

    The 17th International AIDS Conference is taking place in Mexico City this year from 3-8 August. Representatives of EI will be present at the Conference to ensure that the critical issue of the education sector response to HIV/AIDS is kept firmly on the agenda.

    Mexico: International AIDS Conference, August 3-8, 2008
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 21 January 2008

    Interview with Maria Teresa Cabrera, ADP/Dominican Republic

    Maria Teresa Cabrera is a member of the EI Executive Board, President of the ADP (Dominican Association of Teachers) and the Coordinator of the ADP EFAIDS Programme. The ADP together with teacher unions FAPROUASD and ANPROTEC have just begun implementing EFAIDS activities

    Interview with Maria Teresa Cabrera, ADP/Dominican Republic
  12. Equity and inclusion 15 January 2008

    Roma students win in Court of Human Rights

    In a momentous decision for Roma across Europe, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights has ruled that segregating Roma students into "special" schools for children with learning disabilities is a form of unlawful discrimination. “The court has made clear that racial discrimination has no place in...

    Roma students win in Court of Human Rights
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 20 December 2007

    Ethiopia: released on bail, teachers grateful for international solidarity

    EI is pleased to announce that Berhanu Aba-Debisa, Wolde Dana and Wibit Legamo have at last been released on bail. With the support of National Union of Teachers (NUT), from the United Kingdom and EI, the three colleagues are free at last and extend their gratitude for the support received...

    Ethiopia: released on bail, teachers grateful for international solidarity
  14. Union growth 20 December 2007

    Iran: Intimidation of teachers continues

    On 14 December, nine teachers were sentenced to 91 days imprisonment by a criminal court of the province of Hamadan in Iran.

    Iran: Intimidation of teachers continues
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 December 2007

    EI calls upon EFA Meeting to Pay More Attention to Teacher Training and Recruitment

    EI representatives attending the Seventh Meeting of the Education for All High Level Group held in Dakar, from 11-13 December, urged governments, UN agencies, bilateral and multilateral agencies, civil society organizations and other stakeholders attending the meeting to pay more attention to teacher training and recruitment.

    EI calls upon EFA Meeting to Pay More Attention to Teacher Training and Recruitment
  16. Union growth 13 December 2007

    Ethiopia: EI condemns government interference in the union elections

    Teachers throughout Ethiopia have been summoned to meetings with school principals, where teachers are informed they shall elect school representatives for the "Ethiopia Teachers' Association".

    Ethiopia: EI condemns government interference in the union elections