

  1. Standards and working conditions 18 May 2022

    Governments must uphold migrant workers’ rights, access to justice and decent work

    Education International has joined other Global Union Federations in pushing the world’s governments to fully implement the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) formally endorsed by the UN General Assembly on 19 December 2018. They aim to ensure the GCM adheres to human and labour rights standards,...

    Governments must uphold migrant workers’ rights, access to justice and decent work
  2. Standards and working conditions 17 May 2022

    Decent work for education support personnel now!

    On the occasion of World Education Support Personnel (ESP) Day , Education International organised a virtual event where member organisations representing ESP at all education levels and in every corner of the globe highlighted the crucial yet underrecognised role played by ESP in quality education systems, as well as the...

    Decent work for education support personnel now!
  3. Future of work in education 16 May 2022

    The voice of educators at the UNESCO World Higher Education Conference

    The 3rd World Higher Education Conference brought together the global higher education community to reflect on how to address the impact of the pandemic and design the future of higher education to achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Organised by UNESCO, the Conference took place from...

    The voice of educators at the UNESCO World Higher Education Conference
  4. Standards and working conditions 13 May 2022

    Celebrate education support personnel with us!

    On May 16th, Education International and its member organisations will mark the fifth edition of World Education Support Personnel (ESP) Day by holding an online meeting around this year’s theme, Decent Work for ESP Now!

    Celebrate education support personnel with us!
  5. Future of work in education 12 May 2022

    International Summit on the Teaching Profession 2022: Governments and teachers’ unions working together for an equity driven public education

    Convened by Education International and the OECD, the International Summit on the Teaching Profession brings together governments and education unions in OECD countries in order to strengthen and support an informed and honest policy dialogue between and among elected representatives of the teaching profession and national government authorities.

    International Summit on the Teaching Profession 2022: Governments and teachers’ unions working together for an equity driven public education
  6. Equity and inclusion 10 May 2022

    Ukraine: Education unions, national and local authorities, and international organisations mobilise to ensure access to education for all refugee students

    Education unions from Ukraine and other European countries, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, local authorities in neighbouring countries, and international organisations came together in Warsaw on May 3 and 4, to step up collaboration to ensure that education continues for all Ukrainian refugee students.

    Ukraine: Education unions, national and local authorities, and international organisations mobilise to ensure access to education for all refugee students
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 3 May 2022

    Afghanistan: reaffirming strong support for exiled trade unionists and for the return of democracy, freedom and equality

    Together with French affiliates and leaders of French national and international trade union confederations, Education International took stock of the catastrophic situation of democracy and education in Afghanistan under Taliban rule. It also reiterated its commitment to and solidarity with Afghan trade unionists who, despite being exiled in France, are...

    Afghanistan: reaffirming strong support for exiled trade unionists and for the return of democracy, freedom and equality
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 May 2022

    Hungary: Union defending the rights of members while welcoming Ukrainian refugees

    The Teachers' Democratic Union of Hungary (PDSZ) has been proactive this year in its actions to ensure quality inclusive education. It has also led various initiatives to help Ukrainian refugees coming into the country.

    Hungary: Union defending the rights of members while welcoming Ukrainian refugees
  9. Climate action and literacy 2 May 2022

    Iraq: Kurdistan’s educators advance climate change education

    The Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) has called for the government of this Iraqi region to provide more funding and pay more attention to climate change and its impact on people. The KTU organised a series of informational seminars for its members during the national week dedicated to tackling climate change...

    Iraq: Kurdistan’s educators advance climate change education
  10. Fighting the commercialisation of education 11 April 2022

    Africa: Educators united to resist privatisation and defend quality public education

    Privatisation, the importance of State funding in public education, and campaigns to combat the privatisation and commercialisation in and of education all came under the spotlight at a recent online forum. Organised by Education International’s Africa Region (EIRAF) office, the webinar focused on the need to resist privatisation and defend...

    Africa: Educators united to resist privatisation and defend quality public education
  11. Union renewal and development 5 April 2022

    Development Cooperation Handbook is a powerful resource

    Education International’s Development Cooperation Handbook was under the spotlight during a recent virtual workshop, with input from development cooperation partners.

    Development Cooperation Handbook is a powerful resource
  12. Democracy 1 April 2022

    Jordan: The harassment against union leaders and members must stop immediately

    Education International has strongly reiterated its condemnation of the acts of harassment against the Jordanian Teachers’ Association (JTA), its leaders and members. It deplores the criminalisation of legitimate trade union activities including marches and demonstrations.

    Jordan: The harassment against union leaders and members must stop immediately
  13. Climate action and literacy 31 March 2022

    Education in climate policies: Are countries in North Africa and the Middle East making the grade?

    Official side event | Middle East and North Africa Climate Week 2022

    Which countries are prioritising quality climate education for all? On March 31st, Education International presented our analysis of the extent to which education is included in MENA countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

    Education in climate policies: Are countries in North Africa and the Middle East making the grade?