

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 October 2007

    No schools, no teachers for millions of children in DRC

    With millions of children out of school and parents unable to pay school fees, EI urges the Democratic Republic of Congo to invest in quality public education and to comply with core labour standards.

    No schools, no teachers for millions of children in DRC
  2. Standards and working conditions 19 October 2007

    South Africa: Teachers Reject Salary Offer

    EI affiliate the South African Democratic Teachers' Union (Sadtu) had rejected the government's proposals on a new teacher payment regime which would link remuneration with performance.

    South Africa: Teachers Reject Salary Offer
  3. News 18 October 2007

    Canada: The CTF organises 2nd Media Education Week

    After the success of the first National Media Education Week in 2006, the Canadian Teachers' Federation (CTF) is launching it again for the second year.

    Canada: The CTF organises 2nd Media Education Week
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 17 October 2007

    Ethiopia: EI relaunched Urgent Action Appeal for the release of ETA members

    In light of the Urgent Resolution adopted by its recent 5th World Congress, EI calls on the solidarity and support of its members and partners to ensure the immediate release of detained Ethiopian colleagues.

    Ethiopia: EI relaunched Urgent Action Appeal for the release of ETA members
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 October 2007

    ESU celebrates 25 years

    Today, October 17th, the European Students’ Union (ESU) celebrates 25 years on the front line of student politics.

    ESU celebrates 25 years
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 17 October 2007

    East and Southern Africa: New report on supporting HIV-Positive Teachers

    EI together with its EFAIDS partners the Education Development Center (EDC) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) and UNESCO are pleased to announce the release of the publication ‘Supporting HIV-Positive Teachers in East and Southern Africa: Technical Consultation Report’.

    East and Southern Africa: New report on supporting HIV-Positive Teachers
  7. Standards and working conditions 17 October 2007

    World Teachers’ Day: Better working conditions means better learning conditions!

    On World Teachers’ Day - October 5th - teachers, students, parents and communities came together to celebrate the achievements of teachers, and to demand Quality Teachers for Quality Education!

    World Teachers’ Day: Better working conditions means better learning conditions!
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 17 October 2007

    New World AIDS Day Schools Initiative: 'One Hour on AIDS'

    Education International is pleased to announce a new initiative to mark World AIDS Day in classrooms this November 30 (December 1 being a Saturday). 'One Hour on AIDS' will see learners around the world benefiting from lessons on AIDS on the same day. EI is putting together a kit specially...

    New World AIDS Day Schools Initiative: 'One Hour on AIDS'
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 17 October 2007

    Argentina: CTERA Steps Up AIDS Prevention Efforts

    Over the last month, EI's affiliate in Argentina, CTERA, has been involved in a number of new initiatives related to HIV prevention.

    Argentina: CTERA Steps Up AIDS Prevention Efforts
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 17 October 2007

    India: Sex Education in Schools

    Since the first case was detected in the 1980s, AIDS has become one of the largest killers in the world. Every day, some 7,200 young people are contracting HIV in the world. In India, 15% of HIV/AIDS patients are children under 15 years of age. At a time when HIV...

    India: Sex Education in Schools
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 17 October 2007

    Benin: EI Affiliates initiate joint health education activities

    Eight EI affiliates in Benin have just set up a new joint committee called COSIEB to implement their HIV and AIDS education through schools programme. The eight unions organise teachers from early to higher education and will be able to reach out to teachers of all levels in Benin.

    Benin: EI Affiliates initiate joint health education activities
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 October 2007

    CCNGO: EI represents teacher unions at discussions on Education for All

    Achieving the Education for All (EFA) goals can only become a reality through the intensive involvement of civil society including the teachers’ unions. But are governments really involving the unions? EI and a large number of civil society organisations convened in Dakar in September to discuss the status quo on...

    CCNGO: EI represents teacher unions at discussions on Education for All
  13. Equity and inclusion 16 October 2007

    Australia: EI opposes new law which undermines indigenous rights

    In a letter to the Australian Prime Minister on 10 October, EI voiced its concerns about new legislation which undermines the land rights of the Indigenous populations in the country.

    Australia: EI opposes new law which undermines indigenous rights
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 October 2007

    Thousands sing out against poverty

    Today, 17 October 2007, the Poverty Requiem will resonate around the globe.

    Thousands sing out against poverty
  15. Standards and working conditions 15 October 2007

    Bulgaria: Strike enters its 3rd week with no resolution in sight

    The teacher strike in Bulgaria that began on 24 Sep has now entered its third week, and a clear resolution to the impasse is still not in sight.

    Bulgaria: Strike enters its 3rd week with no resolution in sight
  16. Standards and working conditions 12 October 2007

    Cameroon: SYNTESPRIC members demonstrated for better job security

    On 5 October, World Teachers' Day, members of the Syndicat des Travailleurs des Etablissements scolaires privés du Cameroun (SYNTESPRIC) held a demonstration to demand the government ratify their collective agreement.

    Cameroon: SYNTESPRIC members demonstrated for better job security