Democracy 27 March 2022 Uruguay: Unions say yes to public education
Education International in full solidarity with its affiliates
Against all the odds, trade union organisations and grassroots movements in Uruguay secured a referendum in the country to overturn a series of government-imposed measures set to undermine public education and encourage privatisation.
Uruguay: Unions say yes to public education -
Equity and inclusion 24 March 2022 EI President takes floor at the United Nations: Social dialogue and climate education for a just transition
On March 22nd, Education International President Susan Hopgood addressed the 66th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). Speaking on behalf of Education International and the global trade union delegation to the CSW, EI’s President highlighted the critical role of social dialogue and climate education...
EI President takes floor at the United Nations: Social dialogue and climate education for a just transition -
Union renewal and development 23 March 2022 Hungary: quality trade union renewal with international solidarity
With the support of the Syndicat national des enseignements de second degré-Fédération syndicale unitaire (SNES-FSU) in France, the Pedagógusok Szakszervezete-Syndicat des Enseignants de Hongrie (PSZ-SEH) has organised trade union training for its young members.
Hungary: quality trade union renewal with international solidarity -
Trade union rights are human rights 21 March 2022 Senegal: Unions win pay rise
At a high-level meeting with several ministers, the leaders of Senegal's principal education unions reached agreement on several positive measures, namely a pay rise for education and training staff and the upgrading of the allowance system for managerial and administrative roles. The career prospects for education and teaching staff were...
Senegal: Unions win pay rise -
Equity and inclusion 17 March 2022 Gender equality and climate justice in the spotlight at the 66th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
The 66th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66) opened on March 14 at UN headquarters in New York, as well as online across the world, with a focus on “achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in the context of...
Gender equality and climate justice in the spotlight at the 66th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women -
Trade union rights are human rights 14 March 2022 Cameroon: The government must respect the unions as partners in social dialogue
Faced with the rise of anarchic and disorganised teacher protest movements on social networks, Cameroon's education unions are stressing the urgency of holding social dialogue in good faith. They have asked the public authorities to respond as quickly as possible to the many teacher demands and to keep their promises.
Cameroon: The government must respect the unions as partners in social dialogue -
Union renewal and development 11 March 2022 Tonga: Global education union movement in solidarity after devastating volcanic eruption
Education International has launched an Urgent Action Appeal after being contacted by its member organisation in Tonga, the Friendly Islands Teachers’ Association (FITA/Tonga), regarding the plight of its members in the areas affected by the volcanic eruption on 15 January 2022.
Tonga: Global education union movement in solidarity after devastating volcanic eruption -
Standards and working conditions 10 March 2022 Iraq: Education unionists meet parliamentary committee to enhance teaching conditions
Teachers’ rights and ensuring quality education were at the heart of high-level discussions between the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) and the Committee of Education and Higher Education and Scientific Research at the Parliament of the Iraqi region of Kurdistan.
Iraq: Education unionists meet parliamentary committee to enhance teaching conditions -
Standards and working conditions 7 March 2022 Morocco: Ministry-union agreement advances teacher status and public education
The agreement was signed between the Ministry of Education and five of the most representative education unions, including member organisations of Education International. The signing was the culmination of a series of successful sectoral social dialogue sessions.
Morocco: Ministry-union agreement advances teacher status and public education -
Democracy 28 February 2022 Ukraine: Education unions from around the world stand in solidarity
Education unions from around the world have expressed their solidarity with the people of Ukraine and have condemned the Russian invasion of the country.
Ukraine: Education unions from around the world stand in solidarity -
Standards and working conditions 23 February 2022 Mauritania: teachers strike for a decent life and better working conditions
A coalition of Mauritanian education unions called for a strike from 21-25 February. The widely supported action aimed at “wresting the rights” of teachers from the Minister of Education and underlined the unity of teachers.
Mauritania: teachers strike for a decent life and better working conditions -
Democracy 22 February 2022 Educators around the world stand with Ukraine and call for peace
As the already fragile situation at the border between Ukraine and Russia further deteriorates, Education International calls for immediate de-escalation and a diplomatic solution to secure a lasting peace.
Educators around the world stand with Ukraine and call for peace -
Trade union rights are human rights 22 February 2022 Iraq: Union presents a plan to develop higher education and research
The Kurdistan Teachers' Union (KTU) and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research held a joint meeting aiming at taking stock of the situation of higher education in this Iraqi region as well as developing it.
Iraq: Union presents a plan to develop higher education and research -
Union renewal and development 21 February 2022 Mozambique: Union to provide assistance to teachers affected by natural catastrophe
The Organizaçao Nacional dos Professores (ONP) has plans in place to assist 873 member teachers affected by Tropical Storm ANA that hit central and northern Mozambique at the end of January. Education International’s national affiliate will use logistical and human resources assistance allocated by Education International’s Africa regional office (EIRAF)...
Mozambique: Union to provide assistance to teachers affected by natural catastrophe -
Standards and working conditions 21 February 2022 Burundi: Teacher trade unionists improve their social dialogue skills
Under a capacity building programme funded by Education International, the Syndicat des travailleurs de l'enseignement du Burundi (STEB) was able to organise a series of training sessions on social dialogue in the different provinces of the country.
Burundi: Teacher trade unionists improve their social dialogue skills -
Standards and working conditions 15 February 2022 UK: Higher education staff strike over massive pension cuts and deteriorating pay and working conditions
Since February 14, thousands of University and College Union (UCU) members in the UK are taking strike action in higher education over massive cuts to university pensions . Further action is also planned over pay and working conditions .
UK: Higher education staff strike over massive pension cuts and deteriorating pay and working conditions -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 February 2022 Madagascar: International solidarity to ensure education continues in the wake of a natural disaster
Following the passage of the category 3 tropical cyclone Batsirai which hit Madagascar on 5 February, Education International has decided to provide financial support to its affiliate, the Fédération chrétienne des enseignants et employés de l’éducation de Madagascar (FEKRIMPAMA). This support will enable the Federation to provide relief and meet...
Madagascar: International solidarity to ensure education continues in the wake of a natural disaster -
Standards and working conditions 14 February 2022 Zimbabwe: Strike action by teachers as government leaves them in a financial crisis
The Zimbabwe Teachers’ Association (ZIMTA) and Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) recently called on teachers to take industrial action following the government’s continued refusal to resolve longstanding salary issues, leaving teachers financially “incapacitated”. Since 7 February, teachers are on strike.
Zimbabwe: Strike action by teachers as government leaves them in a financial crisis